Server Connection

  • Hi,

    I installed SQL 2012 developer edition. I connected from the SSMS to another server. I am able to connect to that server but I didn't see stop, start, pause, restart options enables. Usually when we connected to any instance it will show green color next to the server if it connected or else it will show red color when it is stopped but in this case I can't see either green or red color. Also I am able to select the top 1000 rows also.

    Please let me know the reason.

  • This happen due to limited access to a particular User , You might have limited access to that Server . 🙂

  • Typically, if you do not have permission on the remote server to stop and start services, you will not see the green arrow indicators.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Thanks

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