Send SQL Server Data to Exchange

  • Comments posted here are about the content posted at



  • Interesting. But unfortunately not very useful for us; we're a SQL Server 2005 shop and Microsoft has warned in no uncertain terms that extended stored procedure support is going away. The following passage is taken from the opening page of the Database Engine Extended Stored Procedure Programming topic at MSDN Online (link):

    This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Do not use this feature in new development work (emphasis mine... SG), and modify applications that currently use this feature as soon as possible. Use CLR Integration instead.

    I'd love to see this article adapted for CLR Integration using ADO function calls, which *can* be directly invoked from a CLR routine.

    Scott Gammans

  • Very useful indeed in the full version form. I have sent 2 emails to '' dated 7th March 2008 and 10th March 2008 requesting availiability and price of the full unrestricted version of the extended stored proceedures and so far have no reply.

    If you see this post Steve please contact me.



  • This stored procedure is a great little product. However, you cannot stray far from what the procedure allows, for instance I wanted to use Company in conjunction with the First and Last Name, no dice. You have to purchase a version that allows you to do that. Which is fine, but that catch is, the link to the site for this company is dead and emails sent are not returned.

    So even though this works great as long as your vision matches the author's you'll be fine, and if it doesn't and you have the cash to shell out, your SOL cause it seems this one died on the vine.:exclamation:

  • I'm looking for code/examples/samples to help me write a stored procedure to write out calendar items for my users based on information others put into our SQL database. xp_sql2exchange looked like a good starting point but it seems to be non-existent now. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

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