Selecting the earliest month wrapping January to December

  • What if it's 11/09 and 2/10 )month and year). In reality, 11 would be the earliest and 2 would be later but you only store month???? Your design leaves some potential issues with respect to obtaining accurate data and potentially reporting to someone you may be trying to get a renewal from (meaning "money"). If you couldn't get my renewal date correct, I'd be tossing your solicitation into the trash without another thought.

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

  • Thanks for your feedback.

    The 'renewal' month represents the anniversary month and is collected from multiple sources and this routine (MaxVariance and EarliestMonth) is part of a larger process used to score the accuracy of the supplied data across sources.

  • This is not meant as a put-down because I've inherited some pretty ugly stuff before but I still believe the design is lacking and will lead to issues somewhere along the way. Good luck.

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

  • joefreeman (6/8/2010)


    Thanks for your support and help so far, do you think there could be a solution ?

    Please don't message me about specific problems, I get a notification for threads I've posted in so if I decided not to reply there was a reason.

    I answer questions here (and ask them!) in my spare time, when I feel like it. There came a point in attempting to answer this where it just became more trouble than it was worth. After all we've gone through, I just don't understand the logic behind this problem and so rather than give you a sub-par answer that will probably not work for your problem I decided to bow out. That is not to say that if the logic was thought through and posted in a more understandable fashion that I wouldn't attempt it, just that for me this whole thing makes no sense.

    I'm not trying to be horrible when I say this, but I'd look at redesigning the logic because it seems fairly plain to me that either you don't understand it or that the logic is bad.

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  • To follow tosscrosby's concern:

    What would be your expected output for the following sample data? And Why?

    INSERT @Sample (PersonID, Month) VALUES (11,'06');

    INSERT @Sample (PersonID, Month) VALUES (11,'08');

    INSERT @Sample (PersonID, Month) VALUES (11,'07');

    Will your max variance be 2 or 13 or something else?

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • Please see if this does what you need. If so, might be able to clean it up a little:



    CASE WHEN NextCalMth < 99 THEN NextCalMth ELSE MinMonth END AS NextMonth,

    CASE WHEN MinMonthOct = 99 THEN CAST(MaxMonth AS tinyint) - CAST(MinMonth AS tinyint)

    ELSE (12 - CAST(MinMonthOct AS tinyint)) + CAST(MaxMonthPreOct AS tinyint) END

    AS [Variance]

    FROM (



    MIN(CASE WHEN [Month] >= MONTH(GETDATE()) THEN [Month] ELSE 99 END) AS NextCalMth,

    MAX([Month]) AS MaxMonth,

    MIN([Month]) AS MinMonth,

    MIN(CASE WHEN [Month] >= 10 THEN [Month] ELSE 99 END) AS MinMonthOct,

    MAX(CASE WHEN [Month] >= 10 THEN 0 ELSE [Month] END) AS MaxMonthPreOct

    FROM @Sample

    GROUP BY PersonID

    ) AS derived


    CASE WHEN MinMonthOct = 99 THEN CAST(MaxMonth AS tinyint) - CAST(MinMonth AS tinyint)

    ELSE (12 - CAST(MinMonthOct AS tinyint)) + CAST(MaxMonthPreOct AS tinyint) END

    <= 2

    Scott Pletcher, SQL Server MVP 2008-2010

  • This query shows *all* results, including the NULLs, just for confirmation.

    You will need to replace MONTH(GETDATE()) with renewal month -- wasn't sure what the "magic month" 🙂 would end up being, so I used that as a quick-and-dirty work-around :-).



    CASE WHEN MinMonthOct = 99 THEN CAST(MaxMonth AS tinyint) - CAST(MinMonth AS tinyint)

    ELSE (12 - CAST(MinMonthOct AS tinyint)) + CAST(MaxMonthPreOct AS tinyint) END

    AS [MaxVariance]



    CASE WHEN MinMonthOct = 99 THEN CAST(MaxMonth AS tinyint) - CAST(MinMonth AS tinyint)

    ELSE (12 - CAST(MinMonthOct AS tinyint)) + CAST(MaxMonthPreOct AS tinyint) END


    CASE WHEN NextCalMth < 99 THEN CAST(NextCalMth AS tinyint) ELSE CAST(MinMonth AS tinyint) END END

    AS NextMonth

    FROM (



    MIN(CASE WHEN [Month] >= MONTH(GETDATE()) THEN [Month] ELSE 99 END) AS NextCalMth,

    MAX([Month]) AS MaxMonth,

    MIN([Month]) AS MinMonth,

    MIN(CASE WHEN [Month] >= 10 THEN [Month] ELSE 99 END) AS MinMonthOct,

    MAX(CASE WHEN [Month] >= 10 THEN 0 ELSE [Month] END) AS MaxMonthPreOct

    FROM @Sample

    GROUP BY PersonID

    ) AS derived

    Scott Pletcher, SQL Server MVP 2008-2010

  • Yikes, looks like crap w/o the proper spacing.

    Why are leading spaces stripped when dealing with CODE posts???? :angry:

    Scott Pletcher, SQL Server MVP 2008-2010

  • Use the tags that say 'code="sql"' (4th from the bottom) and it will look much nicer.

    └> bt

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  • joefreeman (6/8/2010)

    I'm sorry Paul and really do appreciate your help. When you're so close to a problem sometimes it's hard to verbalise all the intricacies. If you can help further I would be very grateful.

    No offense, but I don't think the problem here is that you're so close. You haven't really at any point clarified objectively what makes any one particular month the first. I'm just taking a guess based on your non-logically defined examples.

    This code isn't pretty, but given the lack of definition I didn't want to spend more than the minimum amount of time to return what I think it is that you want.

    with cteSample(PersonID, MonthNum)



    select PersonID,

    CAST([Month] as Int)

    from @Sample


    cteSampleRefine(PersonID, MonthNum, MonthDiff)



    select cs1.PersonID,


    MonthDiff = case

    when cs1.MonthNum > cs2.MonthNum then cs1.MonthNum - cs2.MonthNum

    else cs1.MonthNum + 12 - cs2.MonthNum


    from cteSample cs1

    join cteSample cs2

    on cs1.PersonID = cs2.PersonID

    and cs1.MonthNum <> cs2.MonthNum


    cteSampleRefine2(PersonID, MonthNum, DiffOrder)



    select PersonID,



    from cteSampleRefine


    cteFinal(PersonID, LastMonth, FirstMonth)



    select csf.PersonID,

    LastMonth = case

    when csf.MonthNum = (select MIN(sq.MonthNum) from cteSample sq where sq.PersonID = csf.PersonID)

    then (select MAX(sq.MonthNum) from cteSample sq where sq.PersonID = csf.PersonID)

    else (select max(sq.MonthNum) from cteSample sq where sq.PersonID = csf.PersonID and sq.MonthNum < csf.MonthNum)


    csf.MonthNum as 'First Month'

    from cteSampleRefine2 csf

    where csf.DiffOrder = 1


    cteSuperFinal(PersonID, MaxVariance, EarliestMonth)



    select PersonID,

    MaxVariance = case

    when FirstMonth > LastMonth then LastMonth + 12 - FirstMonth

    else LastMonth - FirstMonth


    EarliestMonth = FirstMonth

    from cteFinal


    select PersonID,


    EarliestMonth = case

    when MaxVariance > 2 then null

    else EarliestMonth


    from cteSuperFinal

    As other people have mentioned, I think there is a major design flaw with your database, which will have the tendency to make queries ugly and inefficient. At the same time, I'm sure one of the smarties around here would be able to make this much better if it is in fact what you want.

    └> bt

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • Unless I'm missing something, this problem is impossible to solve because there's simply nothing to guarantee the order of the data. There has to be a date entered column or and IDENTITY column that represents the order the data is meant to be. Otherwise there's a chance of the "months" being presented/calculated in an incorrect order.

    --Jeff Moden

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  • Jeff Moden (6/8/2010)

    Unless I'm missing something, this problem is impossible to solve because there's simply nothing to guarantee the order of the data. There has to be a date entered column or and IDENTITY column that represents the order the data is meant to be. Otherwise there's a chance of the "months" being presented/calculated in an incorrect order.

    Looking at the samples, I'm guessing that the months will never fall that far apart ... that the last month won't be more than 4 or 5 months after the first month. (In the example it's no more than 3.) That's my premise in my 'solution'. However, given the lack of clarity in the OP's questions and comments I wouldn't be surprised if you're correct and there is no objective way to determine which month is first.

    └> bt

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • skcadavre (6/8/2010)

    Please don't message me about specific problems, I get a notification for threads I've posted in so if I decided not to reply there was a reason.

    I answer questions here (and ask them!) in my spare time, when I feel like it. There came a point in attempting to answer this where it just became more trouble than it was worth. After all we've gone through, I just don't understand the logic behind this problem and so rather than give you a sub-par answer that will probably not work for your problem I decided to bow out. That is not to say that if the logic was thought through and posted in a more understandable fashion that I wouldn't attempt it, just that for me this whole thing makes no sense.

    I'm not trying to be horrible when I say this, but I'd look at redesigning the logic because it seems fairly plain to me that either you don't understand it or that the logic is bad.

    Well put, and I came here intending to write exactly the same.

    I'm more than happy to contribute again, but we do need a precise definition of the rules.

    I won't post back until that happens.

  • bteraberry (6/8/2010)

    Jeff Moden (6/8/2010)

    Unless I'm missing something, this problem is impossible to solve because there's simply nothing to guarantee the order of the data. There has to be a date entered column or and IDENTITY column that represents the order the data is meant to be. Otherwise there's a chance of the "months" being presented/calculated in an incorrect order.

    Looking at the samples, I'm guessing that the months will never fall that far apart ... that the last month won't be more than 4 or 5 months after the first month. (In the example it's no more than 3.) That's my premise in my 'solution'. However, given the lack of clarity in the OP's questions and comments I wouldn't be surprised if you're correct and there is no objective way to determine which month is first.

    Understood but even if the months are only 1 apart, there's nothing to guarantee the order of the months as 11,12,1 (for example). A heap table will make it look so but there's no guarantee.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • Did anyone even look at the code I posted that, to me, seems to get the answers desired??

    Scott Pletcher, SQL Server MVP 2008-2010

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