• Thanks everyone who responded to my previous question!

    Turned out that I misunderstood the task and used a totally different solution for it.

    Now new task.

    There are two tables: buyers and orders.

    order_id field is a primary key in orders table and foreign key in buyers table.

    Buyer_id and order_id in buyers table relationship is one-to-many.

    There is another field in orders table - order_desc.

    What I need:

    select first order for each buyer, also include order description.

    I wrote this:

    select min(b.order_id), b.buyer_id, o.order_desc

    from buyer b

    join order o

    on b.order_id = o.order_id

    group by b.buyer_id

    Without order_desc it works fine and returns the correct result.

    Once I include order_desc into the select statement, it naturally starts complaining about order_desc not participating in either aggregate function or group by clause and therefore not being legitimate on the select list.

    If I add it to the group by clause, it of course gives me a wrong result.

    How do I trick it?

    Thank you!

  • You can do this with a CTE or Derived Table. Here is the CTE version.

    With BuyerOrder



    select min(b.order_id) order_id, b.buyer_id

    from buyer b

    join [order] o

    on b.order_id = o.order_id

    group by b.buyer_id


    Select A.order_id, A.buyer_id, o.order_desc

    FROM BuyerOrder A JOIN

    [order] o ON

    A.order_id = o.order_id

  • Here is the Derived Table version. This will also work with 2000 if needed.

    Select A.order_id, A.buyer_id, o.order_desc

    FROM (select min(b.order_id) order_id, b.buyer_id

    from buyer b

    join [order] o

    on b.order_id = o.order_id

    group by b.buyer_id) A JOIN

    [order] o ON

    A.order_id = o.order_id

  • Thank you! I'll try it.

  • It worked!

    Thank you again!

  • Assuming this is SQL2005 the following query will work.

    with BuyerOrder as



    b.order_id, b.buyer_id, o.order_desc,

    row_number() over (partition by b.buyer_id order by b.order_id) as RowNum

    from buyer b

    join [order] o

    on b.order_id = o.order_id


    select order_id, buyer_id, order_desc

    from BuyerOrder

    where RowNum = 1

  • Thank you!

    I'll try this one, too.

    But I wonder if CTE is SQL 2000 compatible. My database is on a SQL 2000 server.

  • CTEs and ranking functions are not compatible with SQL2000. You will have to use the derived table approched mentioned earlier.

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