Select three oldest records for updating?

  • Ok, how can I update the 3 oldest records in the table, and then return the id for those 3 records?

    My concern is that the stored procedure that is doing this can be fired off by the calling application again even before it's finished doing the first one, and I worry about doing a select, and then updating based off that select, and then updating the same records another call of this procedure has selected.

    Here is one thing I was trying

    WITH Requests AS


    Select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY RequestDate ASC) AS RowNum

    FROM ReportRequest_R2

    WHERE Status = 'O'


    UPDATE Requests


    Status = 'P',

    StatusDate = getdate(),

    StatusDesc = 'Processing',

    LockGUID = @GUID,

    ProcessCount = ProcessCount + 1

    WHERE RowNum <= 3

    SELECT RequestID FROM ReportRequests_R2


    Now this updates the three oldest records, but I'm worried that it starts with a select statement, and if another procedure performs the same select statement on the table, before my update statement is run...then I'll have two procedures trying to access the same value...I was thinking of using a column with a GUID in it that way I'll be sure not to get duplicate returns, but I don't think this would stop two procedures from selecting the same rows

    Any help? or is this presented in a confusing manner?

  • you should add UPDLOCK hint to the "select" statement on the batch...


    * Noel

  • thanks, that should help prevent deadlocking which was one concern, but I don't think it will stop the second call of the same stored procedure from reading the same rows.

    I do thank you for telling me about the UPDLOCK hint...I'm still kind of new, and I see how valuable this is.

  • Ok, I got it, I need UPDLOCK and READPAST hints together. As explained here


    So my statement should read.

    WITH Requests AS


    Select Top(3) *


    WHERE Status = 'O'

    ORDER BY RequestDate ASC


    UPDATE Requests


    Status = 'P',

    StatusDate = getdate(),

    StatusDesc = 'Processing',

    LockGUID = @GUID,

    ProcessCount = ProcessCount + 1

    WHERE RowNum <= 3

  • And wrap it all in a transaction.

    Also, make sure you include the old data values in the update statement. That way, if the second call manages to get the same three rows, but has to wait for the first transaction to commit, when it goes to update, if the data doesn't match, no rows will be affected.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

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