Select statement

  • I currently have a select where for one of the fields I need to change the output if it is null or contains the code 'v918899' For eveything else just display the contents. Effectively the logic I want is:

    If code is null then change to '5K5'

    If code is = 'V918899' THEN CHANGE TO '5k5'

    ELSE display code.

    I have tried to use a case statement but it dosen't seem to work. ANy ideas?

  • eseosaoregie (12/3/2008)

    I currently have a select where for one of the fields I need to change the output if it is null or contains the code 'v918899' For eveything else just display the contents. Effectively the logic I want is:

    If code is null then change to '5K5'

    If code is = 'V918899' THEN CHANGE TO '5k5'

    ELSE display code.

    I have tried to use a case statement but it dosen't seem to work. ANy ideas?

    You need a searched CASE like this:

    CASE WHEN code IS NULL OR code = 'V918899' THEN '5K5' ELSE code END



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  • Try this...



    when Code= 'V918899' or Code IS NULL then '5K5'

    else Code


    from YourTable

    SQL Server posts at my blog, Grapefruitmoon.Net[/url]

  • Cheers that works.

  • Try this alternate coding ...

    Its only a way of rewriting existing formats suggested by other learned members from the forum :-

    CASE WHEN ISNULL([FieldName], '5K5') = 'V918899'

    THEN '5K5'

    ELSE ISNULL([FieldName], '5K5')


  • One more way: COALESCE(NULLIF(code,'V918899'), '5K5')

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
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