Select rows with multiple occurrences over multiple tables

  • DB: SQL Server 2008

    I want to select id, title and userid from a table if that userid occurs more than once across 5 tables (and perhaps more in the future).

    For example with 3 tables:

    So if a user has 2 records in [locations] table, and 1 in [artists] table, and 1 in [users] table i want to return the id, title and userid of all 4 records.

    This is what I have now, but it returns 0 records.

    When I leave out the "having count(userid)>1" part, I get ALL 400 records in all tables.

    select userid,id,title from (

    select id,title,userid from locations l


    select id,title,userid from artists a


    select id,title,userid from users u

    ) as info

    group by userid,id,title

    having count(userid)>1

  • Use UNION ALL, not Union. Union forces a distinct out of the final result.

    - Craig Farrell

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  • Ok, I now have:

    select userid,id,title from (

    select id,title,userid from locations l

    union all

    select id,title,userid from artists a

    union all

    select id,title,userid from users u

    ) as info

    group by userid,id,title

    --having count(userid)>1

    but as soon as I uncomment the having count part, I still get 0 results

  • The code works when I run it. Are the title's identical? The code snippet is written such that the grouping includes the title.



  • No, titles and id's are different in this case. But thats a good point because I DO want ALL records to be returned, even when the title's OR id's are the same.

    But perhaps I've failed to describe my requirement:

    I want to return ALL records from ALL these tables if a specific userid has more than 1 record in ANY of these tables.

    the data im working with. So in the case below I would have 5 records returned with id's: 5,7,9,10 and 12


    id title userid

    5 test 32DD30EB-1691-457B-9FF5-FC41D687E579

    7 test2 32DD30EB-1691-457B-9FF5-FC41D687E579

    12 test 32DD30EB-1691-457B-9FF5-FC41D687E579

    91 other FA189A61-7BAB-492E-BCF7-9E2818362B06


    id title userid

    9 hello 32DD30EB-1691-457B-9FF5-FC41D687E579


    id title userid

    10 john 32DD30EB-1691-457B-9FF5-FC41D687E579

    18 bla D646DA93-B511-4CB3-8F00-7468A9AA1F0D

  • Then group on the unionall of userid alone, then use that as a subquery back to the different tables to return the records.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

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