Select query issue

  • Hi,

    I am using this query to select query that pulls only one row of data per employer, each employer should have a unique edrs number unfortunatly 500 records don't and won't for a little while.

    I am cross referenceing the wce_ilr and wce_contact tables, finding any records in the wce_ilr table that do not exist in the wce_contact table and then trying to insert only one instance of those that don't exist into the wce_contact table.

    The problem i am having is:

    i use the edrs as the uniqueid in the wce_contact table and this select part of the query brings, as it is being asked, one instance of a record where the unqiue value in the edrs field is the same, so it looks at the 500 records without an edrs and selects one but I can't insert a null value as a uniqueid...

    My Question is:

    can i then add some code to remove the null edrs row and just insert the values where the edrs exists? but in case i wasn't clear in the wce_ilr table the edrs numbers will exist many times.

    is because records do not have an edrs the below query is displaying one record that has a blank edrs.

    Thanks for any help.

    SELECT wce_ilr.EDRS AS Uniqueid, MAX(wce_ilr.EDRS) AS EDRS, MAX(wce_ilr.Employer_Name) AS Employer_name, MAX(wce_ilr.Emp_Phone) AS emp_phone,

    MAX(wce_ilr.Emp_Address_1) AS Address1, MAX(wce_ilr.Emp_Address_2) AS Address2, MAX(wce_ilr.Emp_Address_3) AS Address3,

    MAX(wce_ilr.Emp_Address_4) AS Address4, MAX(wce_ilr.Emp_Address_Pcode1) + ' ' + MAX(wce_ilr.Emp_Address_Pcode2) AS Postcode,

    'Company' AS Record_Type


    wce_contact AS wce_contact ON wce_ilr.EDRS = wce_contact.EDRS COLLATE database_default

    WHERE (wce_contact.EDRS IS NULL)

    GROUP BY wce_ilr.EDRS


  • I'm not sure that i really understand your question, but if your question is:

    "How do I remove the row with a NULL value for wce_ilr.EDRS?", here is how I'd do it:


    wce_ilr.EDRS AS Uniqueid,

    MAX(wce_ilr.EDRS) AS EDRS,

    MAX(wce_ilr.Employer_Name) AS Employer_name,

    MAX(wce_ilr.Emp_Phone) AS emp_phone,

    MAX(wce_ilr.Emp_Address_1) AS Address1,

    MAX(wce_ilr.Emp_Address_2) AS Address2,

    MAX(wce_ilr.Emp_Address_3) AS Address3,

    MAX(wce_ilr.Emp_Address_4) AS Address4,

    MAX(wce_ilr.Emp_Address_Pcode1) + ' ' + MAX(wce_ilr.Emp_Address_Pcode2) AS Postcode,

    'Company' AS Record_Type


    wce_ilr LEFT OUTER JOIN

    wce_contact AS wce_contact

    ON wce_ilr.EDRS = wce_contact.EDRS COLLATE database_default


    -- added this line

    wce_ilr.EDRS IS NOT NULL AND

    (wce_contact.EDRS IS NULL)





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