Select IMAGE datatype

  • Hi,

    I have a table which stores pictures as an IMAGE datatype and I need to select each one into a seperate file named column_name.jpg. I have 2400+ rows in total. I have been looking at doing this using sp_OACreate and sp_OAMethod but have not been successful. Does anyone have a solution? Thanks!

  • This is tricky at best to do with straight sql. Typically it is much easier to do this with an application. Why do you want to take 2400 images that are tucked away and write them all to a file?

    Also, in case you are not aware the image datatype is deprecated. You should instead use varbinary(max), or even better if you can upgrade to 2008 you can use FILESTREAM.


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  • can you add a CLR?

    Elliot Whitlow, a contributor here, has a very nice CLR project for file manipulation;

    the code example like this works great, you cna see how you could parameterize it in a loop, or generate the code for all the files at once:



    -- Parameters: @FilePath,@FileName,@FileBytes

    -- purpose: given an varbinary image column in a table, write that image to disk

    -- usage:

    declare @myfile varbinary(max)

    SELECT @myfile = rawimage FROM myImages WHERE id = 1

    EXEC dbo.MSPSaveFileImage 'C:\Data','spinning.gif',@myfile


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • I actually need to generate 2400 files. Each named from a value taken from another column in the same table and ending in .jpg

  • Thanks Lowell!! I will give this a try in a loop and see where it takes me.

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