Select Based on actual time

  • To T-sql experts here is what I have as an issue...

    SELECT  UniqueId,



     completiondate FROM   ActualTime


      if  current time is 10 o clock then get all records that where completed  between yesterday and this morning until 10

     if current time is 2 pm then get all records that where completed  between 10 am to 2 pm today..

    I am not sure how the syntax would be please help...  


  • Hi,

    In your where clause use two variables, eg @start_time and @end_time, so your where clause will look something like

    "where all records completed between @start_time and @end_time"

    Then at the beginning of the query use an if statement with datepart(hh,getdate()) (this will return the current hour) to set the values of @start_time and @end_time


    declare @start_time int

    declare @end_time int

    declare @current_hour int

    select @current_hour = datepart(hh,getdate())

    if @current_hour = 16


      select @start_time = 8

      select @end_time = 10

     end . . . .

    Hope this helps.

  • this does not work as  the completiondate is a datetime field..

    Also this query is a part of a scheduled task so it looks at the current system time..


  • where

    completiondate >

    CASE DATEPART(HH, getdate())

    WHEN 10 then (Getdate() - 1) -- yesterday morning

    When 14 then DateAdd(hh, -4, getdate()) -- 10AM today



    NOTE: you specified exact times (equal to 10). You may need to polish this.

    Ronald San Juan | SQL DBA
    ID 710124 ~ Code "Northwind"

  • Yes thanks a lot!

    I see what I was doing wrong..

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