Select All option: behavior when used with subscription on SSRS report in R2

  • I have a question. I've got a user request that when they schedule reports for weekly delivery and they use "Select All" to capture all categories in a multi-select parameter situation, they want that to dynamically apply as more categories are added. Does anyone know if this is "normal" behavior for the Select All option in 2008R2? I know that it worked in 2005 simply because you had to actually CODE a select all type value. With R2, the Select All box came along, but I'm not sure how that works with a scheduled service. Does anyone know or have any advice?

    Ex: My user has a DDL of "Problem Categories." When they subscribe to the report on a weekly basis beginning 1/1, there are only 10 available categories. A few weeks pass by and now there are actually 15 available categories. Is the scheduling process "smart" enough to apply the "Select All" to new categories that have been added since the initial subscription?

  • This would have to depend on the SQL populating the parameter list. If the query behind your parameter picks them up then you should be good to go.

  • Are you saying I have to write it like we did back with SQL 2005? (Where you hard-code an "ALL" option that queries all?)

  • I am searching for a better solution for this exact scenario.

    We have a subscription that uses a parameter populated with specialist names, which periodically change. What happened in our case is that the 2 new people did not get any data associated with them because the subscription failed to include them, even though the user selected the "All' checkbox for this multi-value parameter.

    The only solution I have found so far (Not thoroughly tested yet) would be, in the report itself, to make the parameter default the dataset query that generates the list of specialists for the parameter. The user would then be able to just check the "Default" box in the subscription. However, that is not always practical.

    I would like to find a better solution as we do not always want to make the default "All" in some reports.

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