Search for one string inside another.

  • Hi all.

    I am VERY new to SQL and the little I think I know is self taught. I have a task to search for a string within a string but I'm not getting it.

    I work for a UK council. We have a database with graffiti tags and I need to be able to search for one tag within a string of others. The database is created by an external company on a SQL server (unknown version) and sent to us. Here I look at it in Mapinfo Pro 9.5. Don't ask why, I just do!

    In the database I have a field called Tag. It is made of 60 characters. These are some imaginary completed fields:


    2. AB




    6. TOM AB

    7. AB IAM

    I need to search for instances of a string within the strings above. Example, search for the tag "AB". This should bring up rows 2,6 and 7, not row 1 where AB is a part of ABC.

    In Mapinfo Pro I can search using a box titled SQL Select. In this box I can choose the table to examine etc, and add an SQL condition. This is where I need help.

    I have been trying conditions such as:

    Tag like "AB"

    ...but This only picks up a row where AB is alone, row 2 in the example above.

    Tag like "AB%"

    ...this shows lines where AB is the start as well as the only word, rows 2 and 7 above.

    So, can anyone point me to a tutorial, guide or whatever that will explain how to put conditions together to get what I want please? Or maybe even show me here? I know this is bread and butter stuff for you, but it's new to me.

    Thanks in advance.


  • i believe you might be looking for the behavior of a full text index.

    With a full text index, you can do WHERE CONTAINS(columnname,'AB'), and it only does "whole word" matching, and if it a word, would do variations of the word, like CONTAINS(columnname,'market') would find the whole words marketer,marketing,markets, and not partial latches.

    adding the fulltext index is easy, and would do what you want.


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  • Hi Lowell, and thanks.

    The problem is that from in MapinfoPro I can only use this "condition" box to do my search. Mapinfo has it's own language, mapbasic, but I have never used it and don't know it. However it seems to use standard SQL conditions so I was hoping to learn about these.

    I tried the term you describe* and unfortunately got an error. "Found [DB] while searching for [)]"> I assume that Mapinfo has a different syntax.

    *where contains(Tag "DB")

    I'm trying:

    Tag Like "xx" or Tag like "% xx %" or whatever the moment. Again, thanks.

  • Hi Michael,

    You are better off with using an OR to choose the criteria as you suggested. The code below will identify any Tag fields with the exact 'AB', 'AB' with a space both sides or 'AB' with a space with side. This will identify any off these Tags fields seperated by a space and therefore not part of a individual string within the data. (provided they are all make unique by space!). Should work in Mapview but not sure.

    WHERE (Tag = 'AB' OR Tag Like '% AB %' OR Tag Like 'AB %' OR Tag Like '% AB')



  • justanewone (6/9/2009)

    Hi Michael,

    You are better off with using an OR to choose the criteria as you suggested.

    WHERE (Tag = 'AB' OR Tag Like '% AB %' OR Tag Like 'AB %' OR Tag Like '% AB')

    Hi Dave.

    I tried your example but the "Where" isn't understood. So I just left theconditions bare and my first test pulled up the correct results. Wahoo. Good to know that I was on the right path, but just hadn't yet gotten all the possible selections.

    Now I need to learn mapbasic and write some scripts to speed up things!

    Thank you.;-)

  • Hi Michael,

    I know you already got your answer but I tried this statement and it worked just as well.

    select *

    from "Table name"

    where tag like '% _b'

    or tag like 'a_ %'

    or tag like 'ab'

  • Hi..

    Are you a Mapinfo user then? Hey, I'm not alone after all! I'm trying to teach myself mapbasic just now. I've got some course notes from a friend who did a course 2 years ago and the help files. It could take some time!

    Anyway, thanks for the extra way of asking my query. But, as I'm a newbie, what's the underscore mean as a part of it? % means wildcard. ! means wildcharacter... but an underscore?



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