search between tow dates Problem

  • SQLBill,

    Yes, I see that later on in the posts. I wasn't sure what Ilan wanted, because the problem changed from the original problem:

    how to use always the the Date Today like this =(Getdate() +'20:00:00')

    SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE startDate >= (Getdate() +'16:00:00') AND endDate <=(Getdate() +'20:00:00')

    to (later on, in response to you):

    DECLARE @StartTime datetime, @EndTime datetime ,@Today  smalldatetime,@Today2  smalldatetime

    SET @Today = GETDATE()-2

    SET @Today2 = GETDATE()-1

    set  @StartTime = @Today + ' ' + '16:00'

    set  @EndTime = @Today2 + ' ' + ' 20:00'

    SELECT  *

    FROM    dbo.MAINB

    WHERE   tarih >= @StartTime AND tarihB >= @EndTime

    AND (meosar LIKE '1')


  • i am confused !!!

    i dont Know what to do i tray all advise from all the wonderful group of people here but i am steel have the same problem !!

    this is my data in my table



    -id---   ------tarih----------        ---tarihb-------------          ---eisor---

     4760  |   01/11/2005 16:00:00    |    02/11/2005 18:00:00      |         1

     4759  |   01/11/2005 16:00:00     |   02/11/2005 20:00:00       |        1


    and i  dont Catch the dates between tow dates search

    BETWEEN the hour 16:00 and 20:00

    like this


    DECLARE @StartTime datetime, @EndTime datetime ,@Today  smalldatetime,@Today2  smalldatetime

    SET @Today = GETDATE()-3

    SET @Today2 = GETDATE()-4

    set  @StartTime = @Today + ' ' + '16:00'

    set  @EndTime = @Today2 + ' ' + ' 20:00'

    SELECT  *

    FROM    dbo.MAINB

    WHERE   tarih >= @StartTime AND tarihB >= @EndTime

    AND (meosar LIKE '1')





  • Ilan -

    I see what's happening, unexpected but it makes sense once you see it.  When you are setting @StartTime to @Today (which is the date - 3 days) + '16:00' the very unexpected result is @Today + 16hrs! to see it in action try this:

    DECLARE @StartTime datetime, @EndTime datetime

    DECLARE @Today datetime

    DECLARE @Today2 datetime

    SET @Today = GETDATE()-3

    SET @Today2 = GETDATE()-4

    print 'Today: ' + cast(@today as char(20))

    print 'Today2: ' + cast(@Today2 as char(20))

    set  @StartTime = @Today + ' ' + '16:00'

    set  @EndTime = @Today2 + ' ' + ' 20:00'

    print ''

    print 'Starttime: ' + cast(@starttime as char(20))

    print 'EndTime: ' + cast(@endtime as char(20))

    No wonder it doesn't work in the query!  Instead try this:

    DECLARE @StartTime datetime, @EndTime datetime

    SET @StartTime = convert(char(10),getdate()-3,112) + ' 16:00'

    SET @EndTime = convert(char(10),getdate()-4,112) + '20:00'

    print 'StartTime: ' + cast(@StartTime as char(20))

    print 'EndTime: ' + cast(@EndTime as char(20))

    SELECT  *

    FROM    dbo.MAINB

    WHERE   tarih >= @StartTime AND tarihB >= @EndTime

    AND (meosar LIKE '1%')

    You'll note I also modified your like statement - your sample table doesn't show meosar so I'm just assuming that it's a char/varchar columns from which you want to select any record where meosar starts with '1'.




  • midan1, your problem you are playing with varchars where it must be datetime.

    If period from 16:00 to 20:00 is something to be hardcoded?

    I don't think so. So, store it in some table as datetime and use those values in your view.

    Or, if you gonna harcode it, convert those times to datetime datatype immediately and than use it.

    Something like this:

    @StartTime = @Today + convert( datetime, '1900-01-01 16:00')

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • ilan,

    Try this:


    DECLARE @StartTime datetime, @EndTime datetime ,@Today smalldatetime,@Today2 smalldatetime

    SET @Today = GETDATE()-4

    SET @Today2 = GETDATE()-3

    set @StartTime = @Today + ' ' + '16:00'

    set @EndTime = @Today2 + ' ' + ' 20:00'

    SELECT *

    FROM dbo.MAINB

    WHERE (tarih >= @StartTime OR tarihB >= @EndTime)

    AND (meosar = '1')

    Also, you have "meosar LIKE '1'", but your example the column is eisor. Which is correct? (The LIKE should be = ).


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