Script to Monitor the Drive Space on a Server

  • Hi,

    I want to get an email every day using database mail regarding the the Drive Space on the Server(Total space, free space)

    Could you plz tell me how can we do this.

  • You can start by reading here[/url]. Don't forget to read the Join the Discussion part

    For better assistance in answering your questions, click here[/url]

  • Thank you.

    I went through the script and I changed it to use database mail as below;

    EXEC msdb..sp_send_dbmail @recipients = '',

    @subject = @MailSubject,

    @body = @AlertMessage,

    @profile_name ='SQL1'

    Now, when I execute the procedure,

    exec usp_DiskFreeSpaceAlert

    , I'm getting result as

    4 rows effected

    .(I have four drives.) But no Email is coming...

    and then I just executed the below and I'm able get the email successfully.

    EXEC msdb..sp_send_dbmail @recipients = '',

    @subject = 'Hi',

    @body = 'AlertMessage',

    @profile_name ='SQL1'

    Please advice where I'm going wrong..

  • Try this script.

    I created a sql job that executes this script based on the schedule,

    such as evry morning at 7 am.

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @recipients = '',

    @query = 'master..xp_fixeddrives' ,

    @subject = 'Alert: Available space on systemName',

    @attach_query_result_as_file = 0 ;

  • EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @recipients = '',

    @query = 'master..xp_fixeddrives' ,

    @subject = 'Alert: Available space on systemName',

    @attach_query_result_as_file = 0 ;

    This scripts just gives how much space we have. But My goal is to get an email when the drive space is less than some GB like 20GB or less than x%?

    please advice me

  • Did you check the DBMail queue? It might give a hint on why it's not sent?

    Also, if not mistaken, when you execute your SP, besides the "4 rows effected" it should also say "Mail Queued" ?

    For better assistance in answering your questions, click here[/url]

  • not exactly, this email shows you how much space on every drive is AVAILABLE

    drive MB free

    ----- -----------

    C 17966

    D 2541

    k 7868

    x 7358

    z 0260

    (5 rows affected)

  • ... right, but in the discussion there's a method using an OLE Object to obtain the total disk space. That, together with the Free/Available gives you both pieces of info....

    For better assistance in answering your questions, click here[/url]

  • Did you check the DBMail queue? It might give a hint on why it's not sent?

    Also, if not mistaken, when you execute your SP, besides the "4 rows effected" it should also say "Mail Queued" ?

    I checked the database mail log, no clue from there. and I'm getting in the result as 4 rows effected only. But no "Mail Queued" message

    and aslo not exactly,

    this email shows you how much space on every drive is AVAILABLE

    drive MB free

    ----- -----------

    C 17966

    D 2541

    k 7868

    x 7358

    z 0260

    (5 rows affected)

    Yes, this script gives exactly how much space is left. But I need to get an email automatically when the available space is left <20GB something like that

    This is the Exact sript I' m using

    USE [master]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[usp_DiskFreeSpaceAlert] Script Date: 06/18/2009 14:37:11 ******/





    Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_DiskFreeSpaceAlert]

    @DriveCBenchmark int = 1024,

    @OtherDataDriveBenchmark int = 2048


    -- This procedure sends out an alert message when hard disk space is below a predefined value. This procedure can be scheduled to run daily so that DBA can act quickly to address this issue.

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb..sysobjects

    WHERE id = object_id(N'[tempdb]..[#disk_free_space]'))

    DROP TABLE #disk_free_space

    CREATE TABLE #disk_free_space (

    DriveLetter CHAR(1) NOT NULL,


    DECLARE @DiskFreeSpace INT

    DECLARE @DriveLetter CHAR(1)

    DECLARE @AlertMessage VARCHAR(500)

    DECLARE @MailSubject VARCHAR(100)

    /* Populate #disk_free_space with data */

    INSERT INTO #disk_free_space

    EXEC master..xp_fixeddrives

    SELECT @DiskFreeSpace = FreeMB FROM #disk_free_space where DriveLetter = 'C'

    IF @DiskFreeSpace < @DriveCBenchmark


    SET @MailSubject = 'Drive C free space is low on ' + @@SERVERNAME

    SET @AlertMessage = 'Drive C on ' + @@SERVERNAME + ' has only ' + CAST(@DiskFreeSpace AS VARCHAR) + ' MB left. Please free up space on this drive. C drive usually has OS installed on it. Lower space on C could slow down performance of the server'

    -- Send out email

    EXEC msdb..sp_send_dbmail @recipients = '',

    @subject = @MailSubject,

    @body = @AlertMessage,

    @profile_name ='SQL1'



    select DriveLetter, FreeMB from #disk_free_space where DriveLetter not in ('C')

    open DriveSpace

    fetch next from DriveSpace into @DriveLetter, @DiskFreeSpace



    if @DiskFreeSpace < @OtherDataDriveBenchmark


    set @MailSubject = 'Drive ' + @DriveLetter + ' free space is low on ' + @@SERVERNAME

    set @AlertMessage = @DriveLetter + ' has only ' + cast(@DiskFreeSpace as varchar) + ' MB left. Please increase free space for this drive immediately to avoid production issues'

    -- Send out email

    EXEC msdb..sp_send_dbmail @recipients = '',

    @subject = 'hi',

    @body = 'AlertMessage',

    @profile_name ='SQL1'


    fetch next from DriveSpace into @DriveLetter, @DiskFreeSpace


    close DriveSpace

    deallocate DriveSpace

    DROP TABLE #disk_free_space

  • Could you please advice how to make it work?? I'm not getting an email when executing the procedure usp_DiskFreeSpaceAlert

  • Could you please advice how to make it work?? I'm not getting an email when executing the procedure usp_DiskFreeSpaceAlert

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