Script to find parent procedure

  • declare @objid as int

    select @objid=object_id from sys.objects where name='substitute your Procedurename'

    if exists(select id from sysdepends where depid=@objid)


    select name as ParentProcedure from sys.objects where object_id in

    (select id from sysdepends where depid=@objid)




    print 'No Parent Procedure Found'


    will this work?Plz reply

  • You can use the below to find out the parent procedure


    FROMsys.dm_sql_referencing_entities('dbo.' + @ChildProcedureName ,'OBJECT')

  • Duplicate post. No replies please.

    Original post:

    @deepikamm: Is there any specific reason for starting a new thread with the very same question?

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  • didnt get reply for >2 days.thats y posted it here.

    Thanks for replying..!

  • Sorry But your Question ,As i thought something strange ,You want some one to just run a Query for you!


  • I wanted someone to confirm that the query posted by me will display parent procedure.

  • deepikamm (2/2/2012)

    declare @objid as int

    select @objid=object_id from sys.objects where name='substitute your Procedurename'

    if exists(select id from sysdepends where depid=@objid)


    select name as ParentProcedure from sys.objects where object_id in

    (select id from sysdepends where depid=@objid)




    print 'No Parent Procedure Found'


    will this work?Plz reply

    Yes it should work. Have you tested it with some sample ??

    Ooops, Its already resolved right ?

    Sujeet Singh

  • yes i tested it.It worked fine.Before using it,i wanted sqlexperts to check and confirm the script.

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