Script Task

  • Hi

    I'm working in SSIS and new to me. I have created script task. however it is showing the error message as

    "The task is configured to precompile the script, but binary code is not found. Please visit the IDE in Script Task Editor by clicking Design Script button to cause binary code to be generated."

    What i have to do now??? Any solution is greatly appreciated!!!!

  • Hi Ananth. This is Philip.

    I imagine you would have solved this problem by now, but in case you have not the answer is very simple. Just open up your Script Transformation Editor, click on Script and under Custom Properties you will see 'PreCompile' on the left hand side. Change it to False.

  • I found that this error can also be generated by a compile error in the script itself.

  • Agreed, normally this error occurs when SSIS doesnt like something that you scripted using the .NET IDE

  • Philip,

    Two years later running into the same problem, I have to say you are the best. Your solution works.

  • Hi Ananth,

    Might be responding after long time.

    Simply Set 'PrecompileScriptIntoBinaryCode' property to False in Script Task Editor.

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