Script problems when db's offline

  • I attached a query that runs fine when all of the databases on an instance are online, but when even a single database is offline, it errors out. I need some way to add at the beginning something like "if db = offline, skip". Is there anyway to make this work? Shouldn't there be a list of the DB's on the instance someplace and there state? If so, couldn't I just say run the script against the db's that are online? Any help is greatly appreciated.

    ----------------------------Begin Script-----------------------------

    declare @dbname varchar(200)

    declare @mSql1 varchar(8000)


    select name

    from master.dbo.sysdatabases

    where name not in ('mssecurity','tempdb')

    Order by name

    OPEN DBName_Cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM DBName_Cursor INTO @dbname



    Set @mSQL1 = ' Insert into [tempdb].[dbo].[DBROLES] ( DBName, UserName, db_owner, db_accessadmin,

    db_securityadmin, db_ddladmin, db_datareader, db_datawriter,

    db_denydatareader, db_denydatawriter )

    SELECT '+''''+@dbName +''''+ ' as DBName ,UserName, '+char(13)+ '

    Max(CASE RoleName WHEN ''db_owner'' THEN ''Yes'' ELSE ''No'' END) AS db_owner,

    Max(CASE RoleName WHEN ''db_accessadmin '' THEN ''Yes'' ELSE ''No'' END) AS db_accessadmin ,

    Max(CASE RoleName WHEN ''db_securityadmin'' THEN ''Yes'' ELSE ''No'' END) AS db_securityadmin,

    Max(CASE RoleName WHEN ''db_ddladmin'' THEN ''Yes'' ELSE ''No'' END) AS db_ddladmin,

    Max(CASE RoleName WHEN ''db_datareader'' THEN ''Yes'' ELSE ''No'' END) AS db_datareader,

    Max(CASE RoleName WHEN ''db_datawriter'' THEN ''Yes'' ELSE ''No'' END) AS db_datawriter,

    Max(CASE RoleName WHEN ''db_denydatareader'' THEN ''Yes'' ELSE ''No'' END) AS db_denydatareader,

    Max(CASE RoleName WHEN ''db_denydatawriter'' THEN ''Yes'' ELSE ''No'' END) AS db_denydatawriter

    from (

    select as USERName, as RoleName

    from ' + @dbName+'.dbo.sysmembers a '+char(13)+

    ' join '+ @dbName+'.dbo.sysusers b '+char(13)+

    ' on a.memberuid = b.uid join '+@dbName +'.dbo.sysusers c

    on a.groupuid = c.uid )s

    Group by USERName

    order by UserName'

    --Print @mSql1

    Execute (@mSql1)

    FETCH NEXT FROM DBName_Cursor INTO @dbname


    CLOSE DBName_Cursor

    DEALLOCATE DBName_Cursor


    ----------------------------End Script-----------------------------

  • select * from sys.databases where [state] = 0


    Personal Motto: Why push the envelope when you can just open it?

    If you follow the direction given HERE[/url] you'll likely increase the number and quality of responses you get to your question.

    Jason L. Selburg
  • What do you mean that I can just open it? The script is run as part of a BI package that is designed to run on over 100 databases. Also, selecting from the sys.* is not an option as it is designed to run on SQL Server 2000 instances as well.


  • Well, you never mentioned that it has to work on 2000 and 2005.

    There may be a better way, but this works, as any database that isn't available will return a NULL version.

    SELECT * FROM MASTER.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE version IS NULL

    Oh, and the Envelope thing is my tag line, not directly related to your question.


    Personal Motto: Why push the envelope when you can just open it?

    If you follow the direction given HERE[/url] you'll likely increase the number and quality of responses you get to your question.

    Jason L. Selburg
  • change the database cursor to:


    select name

    from master.dbo.sysdatabases

    where name not in ('mssecurity','tempdb') and databasepropertyex(name,'Status') = 'ONLINE'

    Order by name

    * Noel

  • The script is run as part of a BI package that is designed to run on over 100 databases. Also, selecting from the sys.* is not an option as it is designed to run on SQL Server 2000 instances as well.


  • Kyle Schlapkohl (11/26/2007)

    The script is run as part of a BI package that is designed to run on over 100 databases. Also, selecting from the sys.* is not an option as it is designed to run on SQL Server 2000 instances as well.


    The script I posted runs VERY WELL on 2000 and 2005 😉


    * Noel

  • My mistake, sorry and thanks for the information. It is of great help.


  • Happy to help 😀

    * Noel

  • Beautiful, the script works great. The final one looks like this...


    select name

    from master.dbo.sysdatabases

    where name not in ('mssecurity','tempdb','master','model','msdb') and databasepropertyex(name,'Status') = 'ONLINE'

    Order by name

    The only change being to add master, model, and msdb to the things it is not supposed to get. Once again thanks for all of your help.


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