Script for Restoring

  • I am not a DBA but am acting as one for now so I don't know 100% how to write certain things. The situation we have is follows:

    We have a stored procedure that runs every night that does a full backup of all the databases on a particular server to a NAS location lets say, "\\server1\backups" This location only holds the most current backup and 1 day old backup. These backups are production backups. These backups are typical names (database_20091102120019.bak)

    I would like to create a stored procedure that will restore TO THE DEVELOPMENT server, only a selection of databases from the "\\server1\backups" folder. The restore will not be taking the most recent backup but the one that is a day old. Since the backups are timestamped, I'm not 100% sure how to do this.

    The restore does not have to have recovery and is something that I want to schedule to happen once a week. Anyone have any sql T-scripts that can help me? Thanks.

  • If you select from the backup tables in msdb, you should be able to get the file name of the most recent full backup that's more than 1 day old for any given database. The backup date is in dbo.backupset, so is the database name.

    From that, it should be relatively easy to have dynamic SQL build a restore command.

    I don't have a script for you. Let me know if the above isn't enough to get your started.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Here's a rough draft starting point for you:

    select bset.database_name, bset.Type, convert(varchar(25),backup_start_date,101),convert(varchar(25),getdate()-1,101) , media.physical_device_name


    from msdb.dbo.backupset bset

    join msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily as media on bset.media_set_id = media.media_set_id

    where database_name = 'MyDatabase' and

    type = 'D' and

    convert(varchar(25),backup_start_date,101) = convert(varchar(25),getdate()-1,101)

    order by backup_start_date desc

    You can use the GUI to setup the restore, then use "Script" to generate a script you can use as a base for your stored procedure along with the path & file name you get from the above query.

  • Thank you I think this may be what I need.

    homebrew01 (11/3/2009)

    Here's a rough draft starting point for you:

    select bset.database_name, bset.Type, convert(varchar(25),backup_start_date,101),convert(varchar(25),getdate()-1,101) , media.physical_device_name


    from msdb.dbo.backupset bset

    join msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily as media on bset.media_set_id = media.media_set_id

    where database_name = 'MyDatabase' and

    type = 'D' and

    convert(varchar(25),backup_start_date,101) = convert(varchar(25),getdate()-1,101)

    order by backup_start_date desc

    You can use the GUI to setup the restore, then use "Script" to generate a script you can use as a base for your stored procedure along with the path & file name you get from the above query.

  • USe PowerShell to read from the directory..

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