Scalar Function Code in SQL

  • Hi,

    I need help obtaining information from a table and returning it in one string variable.

    The part I am having trouble with is in Bold below. It searches through all the results of the @MainSitesTable and puts it into one string variable. I have written it in Access language but need to convert to operate in SQL.


    CREATE FUNCTION fn_GetFarEndSitesList(@FarEndProcessID int)

    RETURNS nvarchar(1000)



    -- Declare the return variable here

    DECLARE @FarEndList nvarchar(1000), @MainSitesTable Table (Site nvarchar(200))

    -- Add the T-SQL statements to compute the return value here

    SET @MainSitesTable =

    SELECT (dbo.tblSites.SiteNumber + ' '+dbo.tblSites.SiteName) as Site

    FROM dbo.tblFarEndConnections INNER JOIN

    dbo.tblProcesses ON dbo.tblFarEndConnections.MainProcessID = dbo.tblProcesses.ProcessID INNER JOIN

    dbo.tblSites ON dbo.tblProcesses.SiteID = dbo.tblSites.SiteID

    WHERE (dbo.tblFarEndConnections.FarEndProcessID = @FarEndProcessID)

    SET @FarEndList =''


    DO UNTIL @MainSitesTable.EOF

    SET @FarEndList = @FarEndList + @MainSitesTable.Site +'and'



    RETURN @FarEndList


    I would appreciate any help on how to write this in SQL Code.


  • Give this code a spin. It is untested as you did not provide the DDL for the tables or any sample data. To see how you really should post this information please read the first article I reference below in my signature block.

    declare @FarEndList nvarchar(1000);

    WITH Sites as (




    dbo.tblFarEndConnections fec

    INNER JOIN dbo.tblProcesses prc

    ON fec.MainProcessID = prc.ProcessID

    INNER JOIN dbo.tblSites sit

    ON prc.SiteID = sit.SiteID


    (fec.FarEndProcessID = @FarEndProcessID)



    @FarEndList = replace((select ',' + SiteName from Sites for xml path ('')),',','');

    select @FarEndList;

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the reply. It worked. Much appreciated.


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