Sandbox database

  • We're building an application for a client who wants to be able to connect that app to the live db or have the option to create and connect to a sandbox database.  There are several users that would be able to create their own copies of these sandbox dbs and they can create many based on a point in time.  We will put a limit to how many sandboxes they can have and a "cleanup old sandboxes" capability.

    I figured I would write a bunch of script to move data but then I would have to maintain the script if anything changed in the live db (or it would be broken).

    I'm still in the exploratory stages of this functionality and I'm wondering if you guys have ever seen/implemented such a functionality and how did you do it.  I'm just looking for ideas at this point; so all are welcome.

    Sorry so darn wordy; I have typing diareaha 🙂


  • What about using SQL Server 3005 Snapshots?   That is if your running Enterprise Edition.

  • I haven't read much about snapshots yet.  I will explore that option.

    Thanks for the reply.

  • sounds like you should explore the MS VSTS/DataDude

    You can script out [from LIVE] and create sandboxes [on developer's PC] with the metadata. You would normally use the data generate facility to fake up some data [say within regex rules], but you can also do custom population [which could include getting data from LIVE]. Horses for courses!


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