Sales Order Workshop Part IV

  • Heh, you got me, that would be easier...

  • I am using approach mentioned in post to do a master detail insert with following query,

    INSERT INTO LISTDTL(ListDtl_ListHdrID,ListDtl_ProductID,ListDtl_ISBN_Number) SELECT @ListHdr_ID,P.PROD_PRODUCT_ID,ISBN.ISBNNumber FROM PRODUCT P INNER JOIN (SELECT ParamValues.ID.value('.','VARCHAR(20)') as ISBNNumber FROM @ValidISBN.nodes('/VALIDISBN/value') as ParamValues(ID) ) ISBN ON P.PROD_NUMBER=ISBN.ISBNNumber


    @ValidISBN='VALIDISBN Value 89869855898955 /value /VALIDISBN'

    (This XML string. I could not write in proper XML as it was showing blank if it is written in proper XML format. This string is created in front end of application and is set to sql command parameter when using ExecuteNonQuery)

    If @ValidISBN contains 7000 records, my insert query takes around 1 min or more.

    How can I improve performance of my query.

  • Hi,

    Well, XML is not thought for performance. If you are processing 7000+ rows and you want real performance, you should use CSV files or similar files with much less overhead. You can even gain performance by having a fast XML -> CSV parser first in your chain.

    Otherwise, try other T-SQL XML parsing approaches (like with OPENXML or similar) to find out which one is faster.

  • Agreed with Hans. On large XML documents, OPENXML is found to be performing better than XQuery methods.


  • Thanks all for your reply. I reverted to CSV string and used a function to return table from it. This table is used in my join query. I was amazed to see CSV query completing insert in just 14 sec in comparison to 2:05 sec using XML string. Still not able to get why XML query is taking such a long time.

  • XML data is much more descriptive than CSV. XML is designed with a lot of other goals too. I agree with you that in this case a CSV approach may give you better performance. When transfering large volumns of data, XML may not be the best choice.


  • The only thing I might be able to add to it is to see if using the new "APPLY" operator in your join to your Table function will speed things up even more. I have had some cases where this worked much better, again, it all depends.

    Your Xml parsing might be sped up by making a Schema for it and then applying that Schema to the incoming Xml. I've even had Procs that could accept multiple versions and different Schemas.


    CREATE PROC ParseSomething


    @Data Xml



    Declare @Data_v1 Xml(MySchema_v1)


    Set @Data_v1 = @Data

    -- At this point, if the Xml does not conform to the Schema,

    -- there will be an error or the @Data_v1 will be Null

    -- TODO: Do your parsing off the @Data_v1 NOT your original @Data

    -- this way the Xml parser has to do less thinking now that there is a valid schema






  • Jacob,

    Thanks for the article - very helpful. How would you extend this so that you could extract header and item data for more than one sales order? For example, say that your source XML was <salesOrder orderNumber="100001" customerNumber="JAC001" orderDate="01-01-2007">


    <item itemNumber="A001" qty="10" rate="10.5" />

    <item itemNumber="A002" qty="20" rate="11" />

    <item itemNumber="A003" qty="30" rate="13" />



    <salesOrder orderNumber="100002" customerNumber="JAC002" orderDate="01-01-2008">


    <item itemNumber="A004" qty="60" rate="15.5" />

    <item itemNumber="A005" qty="70" rate="21" />

    <item itemNumber="A006" qty="80" rate="33" />



    Using this code...SELECT

    y.header.value('@orderNumber[1]', 'varchar(20)') as OrderNumber,

    x.item.value('@itemNumber[1]','varchar(10)') AS ItemNumber,

    x.item.value('@qty[1]','int') AS Qty,

    x.item.value('@rate[1]','float') AS Rate

    FROM @OrderInfo.nodes('//item') AS x(item)

    CROSS APPLY @OrderInfo.nodes('//salesOrder') AS y(header)

    ORDER BY OrderNumber

    ... I get a listing of both order numbers but with ALL the ItemNumbers rather than just the ItemNumbers that belong to each OrderNumber


    100001 A001 1010.5

    100001 A002 2011

    100001 A003 3013

    100001 A004 6015.5

    100001 A005 7021

    100001 A006 8033

    100002 A001 1010.5

    100002 A002 2011

    100002 A003 3013

    100002 A004 6015.5

    100002 A005 7021

    100002 A006 8033

    The result should be just 6 rows, 3 for each order number.


  • How about this?


    SELECT @x = '

    <salesOrder orderNumber="100001" customerNumber="JAC001" orderDate="01-01-2007">


    <item itemNumber="A001" qty="10" rate="10.5" />

    <item itemNumber="A002" qty="20" rate="11" />

    <item itemNumber="A003" qty="30" rate="13" />



    <salesOrder orderNumber="100002" customerNumber="JAC002" orderDate="01-01-2008">


    <item itemNumber="A004" qty="60" rate="15.5" />

    <item itemNumber="A005" qty="70" rate="21" />

    <item itemNumber="A006" qty="80" rate="33" />




    y.header.value('@orderNumber[1]', 'varchar(20)') as OrderNumber,

    x.item.value('@itemNumber[1]','varchar(10)') AS ItemNumber,

    x.item.value('@qty[1]','int') AS Qty,

    x.item.value('@rate[1]','float') AS Rate

    FROM @x.nodes('/salesOrder') AS y(header)

    CROSS APPLY header.nodes('lineItems/item') AS x(item)

    ORDER BY OrderNumber


    OrderNumber ItemNumber Qty Rate

    -------------------- ---------- ----------- ----------------------

    100001 A001 10 10.5

    100001 A002 20 11

    100001 A003 30 13

    100002 A004 60 15.5

    100002 A005 70 21

    100002 A006 80 33



  • Brilliant!! Thanks very much 🙂

    I find this XML stuff a real struggle.


  • Glad to know it helped. You are right, most people find it bit difficult when they start working with XML..but that will go away soon.

    May be the XQuery workshops can help:


  • Whooaa!! great improvement using XQuery. Will follow the XQuery workbench proposed by you on website to get a better understanding on how it works. I get confused using the .nodes, header, etc.

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