SA account disabled: Unable to enable it

  • swoozie (6/30/2015)

    Please I only inherited :hehe: The data will soon be transitioned into a new place and this server will be repurposed, but until then I will have the headache.

    I was only giving you a way to verify if you really were a member of the domain admins group or not. I think everyone has inherited "stuff" they dislike. I know I do. I think they call that "part of the job" nowadays. 😉

  • Okay, I have stopped the services

    I edited the Advanced properties with a prefix of -m

    I restarted the services

    I went to the command prompt and it didn't work. 1 when trying to login it tells me only 1 admin can be loggedin at a time if I just try the commands in the prompt it fails on not recognized commands

    If I stop the service and try to access it from the command -m is unrecognizable and if I just try to log in I get SQL server is not found or not accessible

    also DAC is not enabled

  • If you edited the startup parameters in SQL Server Configuration Manager to add the -m, you need to edit again to remove it before you restart.


  • I'm a little confused by that statement. could you elaborate?

    I edited the service advanced properties with -m

    I opened the cmd as admin

    I followed the instructions of the cmds to use

    1) could not log in, with service started or not started

    I also found that the DAC is disabled and I am not able to find away to enable it.

  • Oh, I see what you're saying - you haven't even been able to log in to make the changes. Make sure that no other services are connecting to the databases, so don't run SQL Server Agent, stop any applications, and don't use SSMS, since it may open several connections for Object Explorer, Intellisense and so on. Instead, use sqlcmd from a command line to connect and make your changes before stopping the service, removing the -m and restarting again.


  • when I use the sqlcmd-m command it tells me that -m is unrecognizable

    I tried this with both the service on and off I also tried



  • That's because you didn't put a space before the "-m". But in any case, you don't need that option for sqlcmd, just for sqlservr. You should only need the -E and -S options for sqlcmd.


  • when using SQLServr.exe -m is the services stopped or started?

    and space or no space -m is erroring as not recognizable

  • Stop applications and anything else that may connect to SQL Server

    Stop the SQL Server service

    Edit the startup parameters for the SQL Server service to add -m

    Start the SQL Server service

    From a command prompt, run sqlcmd -E -S ServerName\InstanceName

    Use CREATE LOGIN and sp_addsrvrolemember to give your Windows login sysadmin access to SQL Server

    Stop the SQL Server service

    Edit the startup parameters to remove the -m

    Start the SQL Server service

    Check that you can connect with your login credentials

    Start SQL Server Agent, applications and anything else that would normally be running


  • When I am finished I will publish the entire process but as of now, I am finally in, I had to reverse the statement in advance properties.

    I did a create login on my windows login for SQL Server that appeared to work but when I

    Use CREATE LOGIN and sp_addsrvrolemember to give your Windows login sysadmin access to SQL Server

    It is says it isn't a valid log in or I do not have permissions

  • What are the exact statements you're running, and what error message are you getting? Feel free to obfuscate security details before posting.


  • swoozie (7/3/2015)

    It is says it isn't a valid log in or I do not have permissions

    We can try to help, but statements like the one above make the process hard. We can't see your system, so when I read this, I'm not sure the the two "it"s are.

    John described the process. However, here's what I'd do. This is the same thing, but somewhat simpler.

    - Stop SQL.

    - Open a command prompt where the SQL binaries are. Usually C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.SQL2012\MSSQL\Binn or something similar.

    - Start SQL from the command line "sqlservr.exe -m". You may need the path to master and the error log file, but you can get those from the parameters in config manager.

    - Now open a new command prompt and type SQLCMD -A -d master -E

    That should connect. If it doesn't, you're not a local admin. If it says there's already a connection, you have some application or system already connected to SQL Server. Something is trying all the time and when you start SQL, it tries to connect.


  • I uploaded the instructions I followed.

    Basically when I edited the Advanced Properties, instead of a prefix of -m; I used a suffix of ; sqlcmd-m

    then I didn't actually have to login, I just need to access the instance through the command window opened as Admin

    then after I created the login on my own windows account, I added the sysadmin to it using sp_addsrvrolemember text, I fiddled with until it worked.

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