sa account

  • I installed Sql Server 2005 on windows xp sp3, but during installation it did not create User sa. And i need to create that user so can anyone tell me how to do that???? :crying:

  • it has not created sa user account or it is not enabled?

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  • while installing sql server it didnt ask me for sa password so i dont know. plz i need help

  • it will create sa account while installing, but it will disabled. To enable please follow the steps

    1. you need to change SQL Server authentication mode to mixed mode, hope you know that.

    2.Give some password to your sa account from SQL Server mangement studio.

    3.Execute the following code

    ALTER LOGIN [sa] Enable

    That should solve your problem.

    Nagesh S

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  • I changed SQL Server authentication mode to mixed mode,and when i tried to execute


    I am getting this error

    Msg 15151, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Cannot alter the login 'sa', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.


  • are you Admin on this server?


    How to get the best help on a forum

  • Thanks a lot for your help.

    But I had made some silly mistake during installation i just uninstalled sql server and re installed and i got an option to set sa password.

    And my problem is solved.

    Thanks a lot 🙂

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