Running jobs in Parallel

  • I want to kick off three jobs and have them run at the same time (in parallel) after another job ends successfully. I know how to kick off one job (i.e. sp_start_job), but how would I architect the step to kick off all three jobs at the same time, rather than one-right-after another?



  • I would run them one right after another.... depending on the process... ANy specific reason for having to kick off all three in a go?

  • sp_start_job doesn't wait for the job to finish, does it? So if you have three in a row, the jobs will all start within milliseconds of each other.

    So long, and thanks for all the fish,

    Russell Shilling, MCDBA, MCSA 2K3, MCSE 2K3

  • Thanks for the replies! We want them to run in parallel rather than in serial because we are trying to reduce a load window and these three loads don't have anything to do with each other structurally.

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