Running a bat file

  • Hi,

    From a VB script task in SSIS, I am trying to run a bat file.

    Here is my piece of code. This works fine from Visual Studio but when running it under a scheduled SQL job, it hangs.

    Any idea? Is there a security warning on server I do not see?

    'Run the batch file created previously, to download the raw data files.

    Dim myProcess As New Process

    With myProcess

    .StartInfo.UseShellExecute = True

    .StartInfo.Arguments = " /c \\BLMCIK\CMAMS\Monthly\getMonthlyAllFiles.bat"

    .StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"

    .StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden


    End With


  • My first guess would be a permisisons issue. Does the account the SQL Agent job is running under have needed permissions to access that batch file?

    Just a thought,


  • Execute Process Task

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