Rows Archive and Purge

  • Hi Please help me on this..

    one of my database in SQL server 2005 is using for some audit purpose.there is only one table in that database.

    The table in question is dbo.Audit.

    there are over 300 million rows in the table that have been accumulated over the course of about two years.

    My thoughts on this process to archive and purge this data is as follows:

    Export data older than 2011 into a flat file on "T" drive that can be re-loaded into database if needed.

    File should be named appropriately such as ESSO_Audit_Archive_Before_2011.txt.

    Use WinZip to compress flat file.

    Delete same exported data from table.

    Can anyone please let me know how can i do this clearly....

    thanks in advance..



  • Without providing any details, you should be able to achieve this using SSIS or BCP. I'd prefer that you do some research first on this two methods and come back with an idea of how to accomplish your task with both tools. A high level flow of the process to start would be a good idea show how each would be used.

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