row_number dates

  • Grouping by date? Am I missing something?

    2020-08-03 13:21 = 1

    2020-08-03 14:45 = 2




    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#pat','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #pat

    create table #Pat

    (PatID varchar(10)

    ,ProcNm varchar(10)

    ,ProcDate date


    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#value','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #value

    create table #value

    (PatID varchar(10)

    ,ProcVal int

    ,ProcValDate datetime)


    Insert into #value


    (15, 25, '2020-08-03 13:21')

    ,(15, 25, '2020-08-03 13:21')

    ,(15, 25, '2020-08-03 13:21')

    ,(15, 25, '2020-08-03 13:21')

    ,(15, 25, '2020-08-03 13:21')

    ,(15, 25, '2020-08-03 14:45')

    ,(15, 25, '2020-08-03 14:45')

    ,(15, 25, '2020-08-03 14:45')

    ,(15, 25, '2020-08-03 14:45')

    ,(15, 25, '2020-08-03 14:45')




    ,dense_rank()over(partition by v.patid,v.procvaldate order by v.procvaldate) 'RN'

    from #value v

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by  boehnc.
  • You need to GROUP BY v.PatID, v.ProcValDate

    Below is an expanded data set, with options to add "RN" by both the DateTime, and just the Date

    IF OBJECT_ID( 'TempDB..#value', 'U' ) IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #value;

    CREATE TABLE #value (
    PatID varchar(10)
    , ProcVal int
    , ProcValDate datetime

    INSERT INTO #value ( PatID, ProcVal, ProcValDate )
    VALUES ( 15, 25, '2020-08-03 13:21' )
    , ( 15, 25, '2020-08-03 13:21' )
    , ( 15, 25, '2020-08-03 13:21' )
    , ( 15, 25, '2020-08-03 14:45' )
    , ( 15, 25, '2020-08-03 14:45' )
    , ( 15, 25, '2020-08-03 14:45' )
    , ( 15, 25, '2020-08-04 11:33' )
    , ( 15, 25, '2020-08-04 11:33' )
    , ( 15, 25, '2020-08-04 12:55' )
    , ( 15, 25, '2020-08-04 12:55' )
    , ( 15, 25, '2020-08-04 17:22' )
    , ( 15, 25, '2020-08-04 17:22' )
    , ( 15, 25, '2020-08-05 09:11' )
    , ( 15, 25, '2020-08-05 09:11' )
    , ( 15, 25, '2020-08-06 14:57' )
    , ( 15, 25, '2020-08-06 14:57' );

    SELECT v.PatID
    , v.ProcValDate
    , RN_ByDateTime = DENSE_RANK() OVER ( PARTITION BY v.PatID ORDER BY v.ProcValDate )
    , RN_ByDate = DENSE_RANK() OVER ( PARTITION BY v.PatID, CAST(v.ProcValDate AS date) ORDER BY v.ProcValDate )
    FROM #value AS v
    GROUP BY v.PatID, v.ProcValDate;
  • I think the OP's problem is the inclusion of procvaldate in the partition by. The output will be 1 for all rows. If procvaldate is removed from the partition, then 1 will repeat for the first date and 2 will repeat for the second date.

    SELECT v.PatID,
    DENSE_RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY v.patid ORDER BY v.procvaldate) AS 'RN'
    FROM #value AS v

    I assume this is a subset of the data and there are other attributes or codes that are part of the procedure from the same date, all of which need to be assigned the same rank, otherwise the columns could be grouped and a ROW_NUMBER() used.


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