Row Headings in a Matrix

  • Hi,

    i have a matrix which is made up of 3 Row fields and 1 Column field. I want to give each of the Row fields a static heading. How do i do this?

    I have tried adding a text object and placing it over the matrix in my desired position, this looks fine in the preview, but when viewed through IE, the layout is all messed up.

    Thanks, Carolyn

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  • You can type headings into the text box that the matrix has above the rows. The alignment is tricky but using trial and error you can type in a text string and spaces that will align reasonably well. It would be nice if they could build in something more graceful to allow headings in this very useful report control.



  • I came here looking for an elegant solution to this problem as well but it seems one might not exist just yet. What I've ended up doing is dropping a table into the top left cell of the matrix above the row groups. I then remove everything in the table bar the heading row (and create multiple heading rows if I need them). I can then create as many table columns as I need to match the matrix groups and type static headings in each table cell. Similar to Suart's concept but it allows me a little more control over cell widths and I can set them to match the matrix widths.

    I usually create the same number of rows in the embedded table as there are column groups in the matrix. This way I can get the headings to appear just above the matrix column groups and use the right-most table cells to hold the lower level matrix "row group" headings if needed. Not elegant but it seems to work.




  • Thanks David, that worked!

    You can't but text such as "hello how are you?" in a textbox. The report removes all the extra spaces when it prints it, eg. it'll get printed as "hello how are you?".

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