Rounding Rules

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Rounding Rules

  • And once again, Steve's proof-reading skills prove somewhat lackadaisical 😛

    Just because you're right doesn't mean everybody else is wrong.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Yep - I knew the "right" answer, but I entered "An error" just because there was one - in the question itself! Again! Sorry Steve, as much as I respect your experience and knowledge on SQL Server, this isn't the first time a typo has made a nonsense of QotD. Please let's have some better quality proof reading.

  • Was the first example 0.3 meant to make us think there would be some other result than 1.5?

  • The example gave away the answer, surely? A good idea to point out that ROUND doesn't necessarily round to the nearest integer, but ROUND(0.3, 1) being 0.3 just tells you that ROUND(1.5, 1) = 1.5.

    Or is it 1.7? 😛

  • I think Steve just has too much on his plate.

  • The only thing that make me look twice was the 1.7 versus the 1.5. Then again, it being simple made me look a third time because I was looking for the trick. I guess I'd already found it. 😉

  • Easy one. I actually use this once in a while.

  • Arrgghh, sorry. Testing code in different ways and edited something without changing it back.

  • The real take away is everyone makes mistakes, even sometimes when checking the work. Check, double check, take a break (and then triple check <if it is important>) and when prepared to live with the consequences, act.



  • Thanks Steve for this question. It wasn't quite simple...:-)

    An interesting problem of differences in the rounding of the data type float

    vs. numeric is possible to see if you run this code:

    DECLARE @i FLOAT = 1.055, @j-2 FLOAT = 1.555, @k FLOAT = 1.155;

    SELECT @i as i_float, @j-2 as j_float, @k as k_float;

    SELECT ROUND(@i, 2) as i_Rnd, ROUND(@j, 2) as j_Rnd, ROUND(@k, 2) as k_Rnd;

    DECLARE @x NUMERIC(5, 3) = 1.055, @y NUMERIC(5, 3) = 1.555, @z NUMERIC(5, 3) = 1.155;

    SELECT @x as x_numeric, @y as y_numeric, @z as z_numeric;

    SELECT ROUND(@x, 2) as x_Rnd, ROUND(@y, 2) as y_Rnd, ROUND(@z, 2) as z_Rnd;




    i_float j_float k_float

    ---------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------

    1,055 1,555 1,155

    (1 row(s) affected)

    i_Rnd j_Rnd k_Rnd

    ---------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------

    1,05 1,55 1,16

    (1 row(s) affected)

    x_numeric y_numeric z_numeric

    --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

    1.055 1.555 1.155

    (1 row(s) affected)

    x_Rnd y_Rnd z_Rnd

    --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

    1.060 1.560 1.160

    (1 row(s) affected)

    The value of @k is rounded correctly. If the number of the type float does not begin

    behind the decimal point with 0 or 5, rounding is correct.

    An explanation can perhaps find in the first sentence of the first paragraph of article

    in the MSDN documentation for float and real (Transact-SQL): "Approximate-number data

    types for use with floating point numeric data. Floating point data is approximate;

    therefore, not all values in the data type range can be represented exactly."


  • Ah OK so I take it the question is still wrong and I haven't just lost my mind... As it's written now the "correct" answer is 1.7 but there is no option to answer 1.7.

    I thought I was learning something totally new there.

    Oh no!

  • Kevin Gill (8/23/2016)

    Ah OK so I take it the question is still wrong and I haven't just lost my mind... As it's written now the "correct" answer is 1.7 but there is no option to answer 1.7.

    I thought I was learning something totally new there.

    Exactly what I thought.

  • These small mistakes generate interesting discussions. 🙂

    Thanks, Steve!

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