Rounding computed columns on subquery

  • Can someone explain this strange behavior to me?

    When I run this query:

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Table1') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Table1

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Table2') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Table2

    CREATE TABLE #Table1


    Col1 DECIMAL,

    Col2 DECIMAL


    CREATE TABLE #Table2


    Col1 DECIMAL,

    Col2 DECIMAL,

    Col3 DECIMAL



    SET @i = 45

    WHILE @i <= 135


    INSERT INTO #Table1 ( Col1, Col2 )

    VALUES ( /* Col1 - DECIMAL */ @i,

    /* Col2 - DECIMAL */ 100 )

    SET @i = @i + 45


    SELECT *,

    Col1 / Col2 AS 'Result'

    FROM #Table1

    INSERT INTO #Table2 ( Col1, Col2, Col3 )

    SELECT *,

    Col1 / Col2 AS 'Result'

    FROM #Table1

    SELECT *

    FROM #Table2

    DROP TABLE #Table1

    DROP TABLE #Table2

    I get the following result:











    Inserting into #Table2 with a subquery causes the computed column to be rounded off to the nearest whole number.

    If I run the same query with a "SELECT...INTO #Table2", the results come out correctly. So I guess I've found the workaround, but I can't make heads or tails of this behavior. Anyone have an idea?

  • Chi Chi Cabron (8/11/2010)

    Can someone explain this strange behavior to me?

    Inserting into #Table2 with a subquery causes the computed column to be rounded off to the nearest whole number.

    If I run the same query with a "SELECT...INTO #Table2", the results come out correctly. So I guess I've found the workaround, but I can't make heads or tails of this behavior. Anyone have an idea?

    I imagine the problem is that you haven't explicitly set the size of the decimal datatype in either table.

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  • That did it, thanks!

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