round up the result int to next whole numberr

  • I remeber there is function like this

    11267/500=22.534 but I want the results show as 23.

    If the result is bigger than the whole number, it will go into the resulted whole number +1

    Do you think I need to write my own function ? Thx.


  • Try this


    DECLARE @b-2 INT

    SELECT  @A = 11267

    SELECT @B = 500

    SELECT CASE @a%@B WHEN 0 THEN @a/@B ELSE (@A/@B)+1 END



  • This functionality is built into Excel but not Access (which is where I assume you wish to use this).  However, using the magic of references we can still use everything from Excel in Access by doing the following:


    Open the VBE (Alt+F11) and go to Tools, References.  In there tick Microsoft Excel 10.0 Object Library - the number may differ depending on what version of Office you're running (I'm running 2002) - then click OK.

    Paste this function below into a module.

    Function udfRoundUp(ByVal dblNumber As Double)

        udfRoundUp = Excel.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(dblNumber, 0) 

    End Function

    and you can then use that function anywhere within that database. 

    To call it from within a query just do FieldName: fRound([fieldyouwanttoroundup])  or from within VBA the usual way.

    The Excel.WorksheetFunction is a very handy namespace for calculations. There is also RoundDown available etc. 






  • Just spotted a typo:

    To call it from within a query just do FieldName: fRound([fieldyouwanttoroundup])  or from within VBA the usual way.

    should've been:

    To call it from within a query just do FieldName: udfRoundUp([fieldyouwanttoroundup])  or from within VBA the usual way.



  • I think there might be an easier way than adding references to Excel ...

    Try something like this: 

    x = 37.234

    ? ABS(INT(x * -1))

    (Note: I don't use Access, but couldn't believe this wasn't possible, so I checked the help file.  The clue that you could do it this way came from the fact that Access actually has a FIX() function for negative numbers, which works differently from INT()).



  • Hi,

    Good suggestion however it'll round up anything using that method.. ie:

    ? ABS(INT(2.443 * -1))



  • Ok - my bad - just noticed that my example using RoundUp function also rounds up anything

    so in the function change it like the following and it will round up / down as required.

    Function fRound(ByVal dblNumber As Double)
        fRound = Excel.WorksheetFunction.Round(dblNumber, 0)
    End Function




  • "However"?

    I think that is exactly what the poster wanted??


  • oooh my bad .   You're right   I obviously didn't read it closely enough

  • My formula is: =nper(.07/12,-300,15000)

    Exactly how do I round that up?

  • My formula is: =nper(.07/12,-300,15000)

    Exactly how do I round that up?

    The result comes out to 59.287765, to round that up to 60 what would my formula look like? Please one at a time I'm a newbie! Make it as simple as possible for me to understand.

  • Amount of help on a scale from 1-10:ZERO!

  • Are you trying to do this in VBA in Access or SQL in Access?

    Using SQL, there is a function called CEILING.


  • angusj4 (10/17/2008)

    Amount of help on a scale from 1-10:ZERO!

    I must say I have to congratulate you on pretty much ensuring you will not get any help. eight minutes posted and back with attitude which is essentially guaranteed to get you ignored.


    Or - as you might say: TEN

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

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