Ronald Reagan, 1911-2004

  • Just by virtue of taking the time and space on your website, to make honorable mention of a truly inspiring leader and indeed, the "Great Communicator", President Ronald Reagan, is a credit to you, Steve.

    Regardless of one's political opinions, Republican or Democrat, one thing is clear, that he was a President that gave hope and optimism to a country that was down on its national morale.

    True, as no man is, he was not perfect, (even had his scandals) but I think history will show on a world-wide level, he was a strong, decisive President with a grand vision that changed the world for the better.  History will place him as one of the greatest presidents. 

    His most effective accomplishments, were of course, bringing to an end, one of the most repressive societies in Eastern Europe.  If not single handledly winning the cold-war, he certainly was a main catalyst to its rather quick demise.  His idealogy and deep belief in freedom for all men and women, no matter what your ethnicity or national identity was.  The millions of liberated peoples across the world, owe him a debt of thanks.  Even Michail Gorbachev called him a great man, and a man of peace.  And, through strength, we brought peace, and avoided what potentially could have been the destruction of civilization.

    It is in that light, he will be regarded as a great leader......R.I.P.

  • Funny, I always considered him to be one of the worst.  Warmonger.  Strikebreaker.  Raiding social security.  Lying about Iran/Contra.  I dunno, maybe he did some good things, but those are what stand out for me. 

    A man so determined to defeat communism that he would have destroyed the world to do it.  In 1985, after his "evil empire" speech and the subsequent unveiling of SDI, we came this close to being nuked. 

    Sure, he was warm and funny and perhaps a little gifted at the podium, and he certainly outclasses our current president, but I'd hardly name him a saint. 

    Anyway, what does this have to do with SQL?

  • Use SQLServerCentral


    Update Politicalviewpoint

    Set President="Ronald Reagan',


    where opinion='appropriate'


    Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Invalid object name 'Politicalviewpoint'



  • I must admin (being a Brit) I saw him as being on of the more dangerous Presidents you've had. I kind of equated him with Thatcher and as I grew up in the Thatcher era my opinion is not positive. I always thought the USSR imploded for economic reasons ... I'm sure he was a nice guy though ...

    Anyway, what does this have to do with SQL?



  • The opinions here ( at least as far as i heard here in Amsterdam) are rather divers. Some say Raegan was a fool who spend money on the impossible Starwars program, support terrorist actions in latin america, destabilising middle east , (iran ) etc etc etc, where as others say he was a complete idiot. I assume the truth must be somewhere in the middle.

    Good points for him was that he could communicate well. ( ok, apart from the evil empire speech, the 'we're gonna nuke russia'remark etc etc). To me a dangerous lunatic. But apparantly a man who's worth to be admired by americans.

  • Hi,

    I know that when a personnality die it's very sad. For the people who saty alive.

    But i think that Ronald Reagan hasn't got his place here, even if it's an american website. Mixing things is not good in most cases (religion + politics for example) and hitech + politics is not good too, for my own.

    I'm not criticizing what other people said before, i just give my opinion of a foreigner of US but citizen of the World.

    Glory to SQL Server Central !!  

    A frenchy buddy,


  • I was six years old when President Reagan was elected in 1980. His election is the first political thing that I remember as Jimmy Carter and I have the same first name (vince is my nickname), and I remember being upset because someone with my name lost.

    I dont think I actually recognized what a great man he was until 1984 during his second election. I was in 4th grade and I guess I bought all the talk about how stupid he was supposed to be (may we all be that stupid) when my friend (a fellow 4th grader) told me something like "you're dumb for believing that".  i paused and then thought about it... why did I think he was stupid? I had no answer. My eyes were opened.

    I remember the sense of happiness(?) when he bombed Libya and stood up for America.  I  grew up hearing how no one messes with the Soviet Union because the SU wouldn't stand of it. So i was glad that we finalyl stood up for ourselves. And then the Challenger blew up and I watched tv all day. His address in the evening had me in tears. i happened to home sick from school during his farewell address in 89.  I cried.  I didn't remember crying until this weekend. I cried a lot since Saturday, and the most greif-filled tears came Monday hearing on the radio how Nancy  put her face onto the flag.

    I cried because I loved the guy and didn't quite know it at the time. I grew up always having pride in America and I realize now, that that is because of him.

    So while the folks here cant wait to critize a man who just died, I look up to heaven and am happy he's home and the long decade of limbo is over. I hope he and Nancy are reunited soon.

    Thank you President Reagan, God Bless you, and God bless President Bush. The greatest honor anyone can have is to be as dumb and stupid as you.


  • I am not personally against Reagan, as I see him as a President of USA.  (I was not the President of Sri Lanka - at least officially)

    But better keep politics out of this site.  As an American site if you start posting articles like this, people from other nations may loose interest in this site. Tomorrow you may post another article about your religion because you belongs to a particular religion.

    More dangerous thing could be people may start posting rude comments because they don’t like his actions: These actions may create unnecessary tension.




    Prithiviraj Kulasingham

  • I think this is a very good point - whilst it's a nice thing to commemorate someone you admired and respected, the international visitors to the site are not going to agree with the more 'fanatical' comments made.

    It was a good post but I think ALL comments made relating to it should be removed



  • Please. I was hardly "fanatical".. I spent more time talking about me and my being a sissy, than him.

    But then again, it is a common thing for those who opposed Reagan and his supporters, to start with the ad hominem and then simultaneously make claim to the higher ground. Some things still haven't changed.

  • Steve's comments were just a simple gesture about a United States President.  They did not appear to be politically motivated.  It was not an endorsement of him, nor was it against him.

    It's all of you that are making it political.  Since you have made it political, I will add my comments: You people need to just accept that Ronald Reagon was a great man and a great President.  He did so much for this country (and the world) just as the current president is.

    Pat Buskey

  • ". He did so much for this country (and the world) just as the current president is."


  • We debated this quite a bit before posting. What Steve posted was not meant to be political commentary, just recognition that someone who played a major role in our history had died. This is definitely not the place to debate politics.


    What a mature reply, WillemW.

    Thank you for sharing your deep insight and staggering intellect.

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