Rich text

  • Is there a way to store rich text in a database field (formatting such as bold, underline, bullets, line breaks, etc) and have that appear in a report?

    I have never heard of this, but my client insists on being able to do this.

    Please help.


  • Yes you could the but the file must be static because you could store Word file in an image column and then add the column into a Rectangle. The other option is to store the Word file in the project and add the file to a image control.

    These two options may provide a solution, just remember that the file will be static.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • the only other solution i have used was creating an .NET RTF to HTML converter that you could use in reporting services, so it does a best guess at converting...never got it to handle embedded images, but it did ok with the rest for what i was playing with.


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