Revoke permission on registry extended proc

  • We are using a third party tool to find out all the vulnerabilities.

    It is showing high risk vulnarability in out SQL 2005 Cluster prod server.

    Description: Permission to execute the registry extended stored procedures have been granted to a user or group.

    workaround: USE master


    REVOKE EXECUTE ON [xp_regread] FROM public


    USE master


    REVOKE EXECUTE ON [xp_instance_regread] FROM public


    My quesion is- If we remove public permissions, is there any serious problems occurs at sql server end/application

  • You may revoke it. Please make sure that there no applications making use of this procedure through public role.

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • Adiga (8/10/2010)

    You may revoke it. Please make sure that there no applications making use of this procedure through public role.

    Thanks for your reply.

    All applications (websites, windows services) use windows authentication to connect to the SQL Server. A Windows account with the same username and password is created on web server and also the database server. Using this mirrored account approach.

    How to make sure whether any application is using the xp_regread through public role?

    Thank you.

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