Review - Go Anywhere With MYdbPAL

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  • Like Brian, we found dbPAl excellent, especially for conversion. We'd also agree about the user interface. It is different from anything you'll have used before - but the benefits repay the small investment of time required to become familiar with it.

  • I was looking for a tool like this for some time. I'm primairely interested in the conversions between rdbms types, e.g. creating Oracle and informix ddl scripts from a SQL2000 DB. Unfortunately i have a fieldtype which is used very often and it's not correctly converted by MYdbPAL, so a lot of manual work needs to be done to correct this. I am not sure if this unavoidable problem was anticipated somewhere in MYdbPAL like i saw in an other program, where additional parameters could fix this.

    Furthermore, there is a lot to do about the interface, which is onorthodox, however i find it very easy to use once you understand the setup. To sum it up :A truely interesting program.

  • I found dbPAL a very effective tool when faced with the need to extract data from a legacy system which was poorly documented.



  • quote:

    Unfortunately i have a fieldtype which is used very often and it's not correctly converted by MYdbPAL, so a lot of manual work needs to be done to correct this.

    And they wrote a patch for this... this tool has taken the lead in my evaluationslist

  • I tried it and spent hours trying to get the hang of the interface. It got worse - I had some unusual field types as well and couldn't get hold of these guys - their UK number didn't work. Same with the US one. Have they quit?

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