Review: Data Compare v3.01

  • Glad to see you are reviewing comparison tools again. Unfortunately, your reviews on the subject seem to be sadly one-sided.

    Obviously, Red-Gate's is not the only database comparison tool on the market, neither it is the best one. How about AdeptSQL Diff or Lockwoodtech's software?

    Have you seen the new (beta) version of AdeptSQL Diff which now includes in one product BOTH data comparison and schema comparison? And which works at least an order of magnitude faster then RedGate's, and doesn't rely on .NET, too?

    It would be great to see a good review of all major competing comparison products, including some speed tests on complex databases (for schema diff) or large tables (for data diff).

  • Hello Alex,

    Other than a cursory glance, no, I have not yet tried either of your products. Your tool is still next on my list to be reviewed (from our early talks).

    I've had correspondence with at least one other vendor about the subject of reviews and clearly we don't handle them as well as we need to. I've got some more ideas on the subect that Im going to discuss with Brian and Steve this week, then we'll publish a follow up article to Steve's review article from earlier this year and open the debate.


  • Hello Andy,

    I do remember your earlier response about not having enough time to review all products that deserve it. It's quite understandable, we are all busy people and there are always thing we don't have time to do.

    But maybe some of the readers of this forum have time & and desire to compare all those compare tools and writing a good detailed review?

    I'd be happy to award such a person with a free copy of AdeptSQL Diff + Data Diff extension (worth $240+$80 = $320). If the "other vendors" want to join, we could have some kind of contest here...

  • We may well take you up on that! Bear with me another day or two, we'll see if we can't make some changes that will increase the number of reviews and decrease the latency. Perf tuning for reviews?


  • quote:

    Glad to see you are reviewing comparison tools again. Unfortunately, your reviews on the subject seem to be sadly one-sided.

    Obviously, Red-Gate's is not the only database comparison tool on the market, neither it is the best one. How about AdeptSQL Diff or Lockwoodtech's software?

    Have you seen the new (beta) version of AdeptSQL Diff which now includes in one product BOTH data comparison and schema comparison? And which works at least an order of magnitude faster then RedGate's, and doesn't rely on .NET, too?

    It would be great to see a good review of all major competing comparison products, including some speed tests on complex databases (for schema diff) or large tables (for data diff).

    I was also disappointed that Andy had opted to bypass his own protocol for reviews and apparently every other product in the review "queue" to review this lasted version of a (previously reviewed) Red-Gate product.

    I think the concept of comparative reviews has merit. Take a topic like back up, transaction log auditing, scripting, database comparison and review all tools in the niche side by side. Give vendors a chance to improve and innovate and do periodic updates.

    Let the best tool win and give readers a real choice.

    Brian Lockwood

    LockwoodTech Software - value added SQL tools

    Brian Lockwood
    ApexSQL - SQL Developer Essentials

    Stand up for an Independent SQL Community - be Informed

  • Readers, I'll be posting an article that covers these points and more in the next week or so. If you've got comments in the interim, please feel free to post.


  • This market segment has matured somewhat over the last few years providing a greater range of powerful and robust offerings.  Red-Gate is now up against some stiff competition and in many areas, has been surpassed.  Some exposure for other tools would be very refreshing and provide valuable information to enable informed decision making.  After all, implementing improved IT processes directly affects profitability.  Innovartis DB Ghost and the DB Ghost Process, provides not just database comparison, but a complete approach to database change management including: continuous integration and auditability from source code and generated SQL that is 100% guaranteed to upgrade and synchronize.  Innovartis DB Ghost would be happy to participate in a database tools comparison and review.  For those who are interested in a review of DB Ghost see: or read the whitepaper at

    Darren Fuller

    Innovartis Ltd.

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