Returning records between 2 dates

  • Hi

    I have the following SQL in a stored procedure to return all records with date values between two entered dates:

    SELECT RecID, Desc

    FROM tblFiles

    WHERE CTimeStamp BETWEEN ' + CHAR (39) + CONVERT (VARCHAR, @DateFrom, 101) + CHAR (39) + ' AND ' + CHAR (39) + CONVERT (VARCHAR, @DateTo, 101) + CHAR (39)

    Example date values sent to the system would be:

    @DateFrom: 'Jul 5 2005 12:00:00:000AM'

    @DateTo: 'Jul 20 2005 11:59:59:000PM'

    Example CTimeStamp field in the database would be:

    Record1: 2005-07-20 20:57:40.000

    Record2: 2005-07-19 20:24:33.000

    Record3: 2005-07-18 12:33:35.000

    In the samples above, Record1 will not be returned. Anyone have any idea where I am going wrong?



  • Brenden use < and > rather than between it will solve your problem and run faster as well.


    [edit added an example showing that you need to use date add to get the correct dates]

    declare @dateFrom datetime

    declare @dateTo datetime

    Set @dateFrom = DateAdd(DD,-1,PassedDateFrom)

    Set @dateTo= DateAdd(DD,+1,PassedDateTo)

    Select RecID

    From tblFiles

    Where CTimestamp >@dateFrom

    And CTimeStamp <@dateTo

  • FASTER???????? I'd like to see some numbers please.

  • Ok Remi I will dummy up some number for you. Actually the run faster statement came from on of the big brains and I will find the cite for you.


  • Why are you converting your @DateFrom and @DateTo values?  Will this capture record one if you do not convert those? 

    If you are converting them because the SP has the user type in a date without the timestamp, you may want to redefine the @Variables to contain a timestamp and again, not convert them to 101. 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Sorry I thaught you were comparing between and .

  • I thought that too.  That would be a great citing to see.  Thanks Du Bois!   

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Forgot to add the actual "boost".

    As small as it is, it's because you have one less convert to do (unless the plan converts the date to varchar()).

  • Ah I can not seem to be able to find the cite as the search function is only giving me the last 50 hits. But of interest I did find this on the net.

     Short Link: I ran a test here on a 2 million row table running several hundred iterations per run.  I found no statistical significance for using "between" versus "<>" operators.  (p=0.626)  Indexed or not doesn't seem to matter either.  I would bet that most query parsers/planners basically turn the between in a >= <= in the end run, so they're basically the same.

    Which would seen to shoot down my argument that <, > is faster. Drat there goes my life long string of never having been wrong. I thought I was wrong once before only to find out I was misteken.



  • BETWEEN is ALWAYS converted to =

  • Between will return different rows than < and >

    the between operator is actually >= and <=

    I find between problematic, especially when querying for a day. Your example

    Set @dateFrom = DateAdd(DD,-1,PassedDateFrom)

    Set @dateTo= DateAdd(DD,+1,PassedDateTo)

    will actually get records that are exactly on midnight for the next day. or you can modify end date by adding a time of 11:59:59 to the date but this has given me funky results (Sql server likes to round this value up) . Rather I go

    Select RecID

    From tblFiles

    Where CTimestamp >= @dateFrom

    And CTimeStamp < @dateTo


    set nocount on

    Declare @a table (pk int identity, Datefield datetime)

    Declare @BeginDate datetime

    ,    @EndDate datetime

    insert into @a (datefield)

    select 'Mar  7 1999 12:00AM' union

    select 'Mar 15 1999 12:00AM' union

    select 'Mar 19 1999 12:00AM' union

    select 'Mar 23 1999 12:00AM' union

    select 'Mar 24 1999 12:00AM'

    set @BeginDate = 'Mar 7 1999 12:00AM'

    set @EndDate = 'Mar 24 1999 12:00AM'

    -- Between

    select pk, convert(varchar(24), datefield,100) as datefield

    from @a

    where datefield between @BeginDate and @EndDate

    -- -- Results


    1,Mar  7 1999 12:00AM

    2,Mar 15 1999 12:00AM

    3,Mar 19 1999 12:00AM

    4,Mar 23 1999 12:00AM

    5,Mar 24 1999 12:00AM

    -- Greater than less than

    select pk, convert(varchar(24), datefield,100)  as datefield

    from @a

    where datefield > @BeginDate

      and datefield < @EndDate


    2,Mar 15 1999 12:00AM

    3,Mar 19 1999 12:00AM

    4,Mar 23 1999 12:00AM

    -- Just like Between

    select pk, convert(varchar(24), datefield,100)  as datefield

    from @a

    where datefield >= @BeginDate

      and datefield <= @EndDate


    1,Mar  7 1999 12:00AM

    2,Mar 15 1999 12:00AM

    3,Mar 19 1999 12:00AM

    4,Mar 23 1999 12:00AM

    5,Mar 24 1999 12:00AM


  • Wow, that must have taken some time to write .

  • Thanks for all the replies so far, but in reply to the post asking why I am converting, I get the following error "Syntax error converting datetime from character string." when I use the following select statement:

    SELECT RecID, Desc

    FROM tblFiles

    WHERE CTimeStamp BETWEEN '' + @DateFrom + '' AND '' + @DateTo + '''

  • Anything for my peeps

  • Are CTimeStamp and the Variables of type DateTime??

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