return only 1 row

  • I'm drawing a blank on what seems to be a simple SQL problem.

    You have a name, a date and a score on a test. You took the test serveral times and I want to return ONLY 1 ROW which contains your score the FIRST time you took the test.

    My table: test_scores




    select min(date),score,Name from test_scores group by Score,Name --RETURNS 2 ROWS

    Of course my real problem has many students.

  • In SQL Server 2005/2008 you can do this:

    with FirstTest (





    ) as (





    row_number() over (partition by [Name] order by [Date] asc)











    RowNum = 1;

  • (I am not on SQL 2005)

    Here is the real query.....I got it to work but I guess the requirement is that I need the

    First Blood Pressure/Response value taken for EACH patient.

    SELECT VisitID,Response AS SYS_BP_A

    FROM EdmPatientIntRepeatQueries o

    WHERE VisitID IN(select VisitID from zbartemp) AND QueryID = 'VS.BP' AND

    EXISTS (SELECT min(i.ActualDateTime),Response

    FROM EdmPatientIntRepeatQueries i

    WHERE i.VisitID IN(select VisitID from zbartemp) AND i.QueryID = 'VS.BP'

    GROUP BY Response

    HAVING min(ActualDateTime) = o.ActualDateTime)

    Current Results:

    VisitID Response

    V123 125

    V123 137

    V456 118

    V456 132

  • sextonk (11/3/2009)

    (I am not on SQL 2005)

    Here is the real query.....I got it to work but I guess the requirement is that I need the

    First Blood Pressure/Response value taken for EACH patient.

    SELECT VisitID,Response AS SYS_BP_A

    FROM EdmPatientIntRepeatQueries o

    WHERE VisitID IN(select VisitID from zbartemp) AND QueryID = 'VS.BP' AND

    EXISTS (SELECT min(i.ActualDateTime),Response

    FROM EdmPatientIntRepeatQueries i

    WHERE i.VisitID IN(select VisitID from zbartemp) AND i.QueryID = 'VS.BP'

    GROUP BY Response

    HAVING min(ActualDateTime) = o.ActualDateTime)

    Current Results:

    VisitID Response

    V123 125

    V123 137

    V456 118

    V456 132

    Well, unfortunately you posted your request for help in a SQL Server 2005 forum, nor did you indicate in your original post that you are running SQL Server 2000. As a result you got a SQL Server 2005 solution.

    Edit: I have asked to have this thread moved to a SQL Server 2000 forum.

  • It's not working because you're including the score which can differ. Think about your groupings as concatenations so 80Mike is different to 90Mike. What you need is exactly one row and you only want to group by name. You need to get the name and the minimum date and then append on the score associated with that date

    Try this:

    select, test_scores.score, test_scores.Name

    from test_scores join

    (select Name, min(date) date from test_scores

    group by Name) subquery

    on test_scores.Name = subquery.Name

    where =

  • jritson (11/4/2009)

    It's not working because you're including the score which can differ. Think about your groupings as concatenations so 80Mike is different to 90Mike. What you need is exactly one row and you only want to group by name. You need to get the name and the minimum date and then append on the score associated with that date

    Try this:

    select, test_scores.score, test_scores.Name

    from test_scores join

    (select Name, min(date) date from test_scores

    group by Name) subquery

    on test_scores.Name = subquery.Name

    where =

    I have to agree with jritson. I didn't read his entire post before taking my original 2005 code and rewriting the query for 2000.

    Here it is, and if you notice, it is the same as above, just formatted differently.






    dbo.test_scores ts

    inner join (



    min(ts1.[Date]) as [Date]


    dbo.test_scores ts1) dt

    on (ts.[Name] = dt.[Name]

    and ts.[Date] = dt.[Date])

  • Alternatively you could use the following SQL (works in both 2K and 2005):





    from dbo.test_scores ts

    where ts.Date = ( select min(Date)

    from dbo.test_scores

    where [Name] = ts.[Name])

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