Return cols with values

  • Depending on the cost of the query, maybe you can do this in a stored proc :

    DECLARE @OutputColumns AS VARCHAR(1000) OUTPUT

    CREATE TABLE #temp

    Insert into #temp


    Then scan the resultSet

    I'm not sure this statement is legal but you'll get the idea :

    SET @OutputColumns  = ''

    Select @OutputColumns  = CASE WHEN Col1 > 0 THEN 'Col1, ' ELSE '' END,

    @OutputColumns  = @OutputColumns  + CASE WHEN Col2 > 0 THEN 'Col2, ' ELSE '' END,

    @OutputColumns  = @OutputColumns  + CASE WHEN Col3 > 0 THEN 'Col3, ' ELSE '' END

    (SELECT COUNT(Col1) AS Col1, COUNT(Col2) AS Col2, COUNT(Col3) AS Col3 FROM #temp) dtA


    Select * FROM #Temp

    --the list of non null columns is already outputted with the output param so all you have to do is hide the columns that are not listed in that parameter (might be simpler to list the columns with all null sand hide those instead of the reverse).

  • You'd have to loop thru all the columns and perform an aggregaite check.

    I'll post back in awhile.

    Ronald San Juan | SQL DBA
    ID 710124 ~ Code "Northwind"

  • Declare @ColumnName varchar(128), @SQL varchar(8000)

     , @NonNULLColumns varchar(1000)

    Set @NonNULLColumns = ''

    Set @SQL = ''

    select Column_name INTO #NonNullColumnNames

    from information_schema.columns

    where 1=2

    Declare ColumnNamesCursor CURSOR FOR

    select distinct Column_Name from information_schema.columns

    where table_name IN ('TrainingLog', 'Person', 'TrainingFitnessTesting ')

     AND IS_Nullable = 'YES'

     AND Column_Name IN ('BodyWeight', 'FourSiteSkinfold_mm','FourSiteSkinfold_pct','SquatJump', 'CounterMovementJumpWithoutArms',

                  'CounterMovementJumpWithArms', 'TenMAcceleration','TwentyMAcceleration','ThirtyMSpeed','EighteenM321Aerobic_TimeInRedZone',

                  'Fifteen_35m321Anaerobic_TimeInRedZone', 'BWSquatPower', 'MaxHeartRate', 'PremierFitness','DistanceCovered',

                  'HSR', 'Sprint', 'PF_16_30','PF_8_120', 'Agility','HighSpeedRunOut', 'SprintOut', '[BodyFat(12site)]',

                  '[Agility(R)]', '[Agility(L)]', 'HydrationScore')

    Open ColumnNamesCursor

    Fetch Next from ColumnNamesCursor

    Into @ColumnName

    While @@Fetch_status = 0


     Set @SQL = 'Select distinct ''' + @ColumnName + ''' 

       From TrainingLog tl

                Join Person p on p.ID = tl.PersonID

                Join TrainingFitnessTesting tft on tft.TraininglogId = tl.ID

                Where SessionTypeID = 1

                And tl.Date = ''01/16/2006''

        group by ' + @ColumnName + '

       having Count(' + @ColumnName + ') <> 0'

     Insert #NonNullColumnNames


     Fetch Next from ColumnNamesCursor

     Into @ColumnName


    Close ColumnNamesCursor

    Deallocate ColumnNamesCursor

    Select @NonNULLColumns = @NonNULLColumns + Column_name + ', ' from #NonNullColumnNames

    Set @SQL = 'Select ' + Left(@NonNULLColumns, (Len(@NonNULLColumns) - 1)) + '

       From TrainingLog tl

                Join Person p on p.ID = tl.PersonID

                Join TrainingFitnessTesting tft on tft.TraininglogId = tl.ID

                Where SessionTypeID = 1

                And tl.Date = ''01/16/2006'''

    Print @SQL


    drop table #NonNullColumnNames

    Ronald San Juan | SQL DBA
    ID 710124 ~ Code "Northwind"

  • If the column names are known at design time, then all that dynamic sql is not needed.  But then again maybe I forgot the requirements... again .


    Also a single scan of the results is enough to get all non nulls columns, no need to scan once per column.


    Yeah, you don't really need this much. I just made the design flexible for future use.

    Also, the script will readily work for him when copied and pasted in QA.

    I did, however, highlighted the gist of the script. It should get tadhq88 goin'.

    Also a single scan of the results is enough to get all non nulls columns, no need to scan once per column.

    -- YOU'RE right about that one.


    Ronald San Juan | SQL DBA
    ID 710124 ~ Code "Northwind"

  • "-- YOU'RE right about that one. ".

    I like the sound of that

  • Merry Christmas!    ß Click Here

    Ronald San Juan | SQL DBA
    ID 710124 ~ Code "Northwind"

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