return a value back from the subreport to main report

  • How could i return a value from the subreport to the main report?

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  • I have a report "Suplie order" with the custumer data.


    In this report "Suplie order" , i have to subreports "Products" and "Services"


    In the main report "Suplie order" i want to put the total os products and the total of services, this total is in the subreports "Products" and "Services".

  • probably easiest to include the corresponding count() in the SQL for the main report via a left join to the appropriate table.

  • Sorry there is no way to call an object within a sub-report... i have ran into this problem as well..

    Moe C

  • is there a way for the subreport to jam a value into the main report?

  • I just resolved a similar problem (see my posting on page break on a Quote that had a Header with a subreport for the detail).  It's not exactly the same problem, but my resolution was to NOT user an embedded subreport.  Instead, I used one report object with multiple datasets.  The first query brought back the quote header information, and the second query brought back all the quote details.  It was then easy to display both header information on the top of the report, and detail information in a table below that.  The easiset way to get the datavalues correct is to drag and drop them from the datasets tab on the left of the layout screen.

    Good luck.

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