return 1 row only with union all

  • can i limit to one row the number of rows returned when i must use several union all between select statements? i am constrained to using either a function or stored procedure. i understand set rowcount cannot be used in a UDF. is it possible to use top 1 with the results from the stored procedure? if so could you suggest the syntax for me - thanks for your help

  • I do not know this is what u r looking for

    SELECT TOP 1 *

    FROM (







    &nbsp AS A


  • I would recommend using an ORDER BY clause if you want your query to return the same TOP 1 each time it is run.  The only way to guarantee your results is to order them yourself.


    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • thank you both for your kind advice. i tried the  select top 1 from (select .. union all select ...) as A

    looks good to me - did not know i could use several select statements after the from clause. works fine in query analyser but i get following error when placed in a UDF

    Server: Msg 444, Level 16, State 2, Procedure fnLineAddrType, Line 25

    Select statements included within a function cannot return data to a client.

    i have not had time to troubleshoot the message - i'll try a SP and return


  • It should look something like this :

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.FnName (@param AS int)



     RETURN SELECT   Col1, Col2 FROM dbo.TableName where ColA = @param


    SELECT * FROM dbo.FnName(8)



  • thank you for the suggestion. this led me to reading up on your inspired table-valued function incorporating the union all selects -

    i can now limit the result as i wanted using: select top 1 * from dbo.fnName

    is it possible to test if no rows are returned and substitute something more friendly like "no information available"? - preferably the test would be performed by the: select top 1 * from dbo.fnName (rather than within the the table valued function) as it would give me more flexibility.

    before i would use an inline UDF with a select case statement to test the result and substitute a more friendly phrase if null was returned.

  • > is it possible to test if no rows are returned and substitute something more friendly like "no information available"?

    Would this be something better handled by the application?

  • I'm tempted to say that you should reconsider the whole operation.  I never saw the need for continuous calls of the same function to do selects.


    Can you post some sample data from you tables (even if fake). and the required output from that data.  That way we might think about an alternative solution!

  • it is true when i say i don't have any control of the application - the developer does not support (although they do allow) the use of select sql statements by the user (me) although they say the facility is there if i want to use it.

    the developer provides the sql backend and also allows me to merge info from sql direct into ms word using sql select statements. they have their own merge commands but in this case they lack functionality.

    i want a one line address - in format: name, street1, town - to be merged into the word document

    i have used concatenation to achieve the formatting.

    i was going to explain the underlying table structure but my explanation got so complicated / lengthy i thought i would save you from likely injury when you fell from your chair - due to sleep or laughter.

    it may be evident that to obtain a "default" address i have to use a union all

    it was the icing to have sql provide an alternative to the one line address where, for whatever reason, a person did not have an address associated with them. but it is not strictly necessary. i am happy with the cake. thanks

  • I would suggest you go back to the developpers to see if they can find a better solution.. if they can't and you have a working one, then use it... but they might not like it of it takes too much ressources on the server.


    Good luck with that!

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