Result to display in Tex Mode.

  • In SSMS

    I want to get the OutPut or Result to be displayed in to Text Mode instead of Grid

    when i run the query in SSMS.

    For Example: When i Run the below query

    create proc [dbo].[disk]



    set nocount on

    DECLARE @RecoveryState nvarchar(2000)

    Create table #freeDisksSpace (drive varchar(5),MBFree varchar(20))

    insert into #freeDisksSpace exec sys.xp_fixeddrives

    select drive as Drive ,(mbfree/1024) As [Free space in GB] from #freeDisksSpace

    DROP table #freeDisksSpace


    I will get out put in grid format..i.e table format.

    DriveFree Space In GB


    i want to be display in Text Mode when i execute the SP.

    Note : I dont want to use Short cut keys such as (ctrl+t) and any changes in SSMS.

    Please let me know how to write the " Syantax " to display the result in Text Mode.

    THanks .......

  • If by SSMS you referring to Sql Server Management Studio than follow this.

    On the tool bar point to Query --> Results To --> Result to Text

    Than your result will be displayed in a text mode.

  • or if you want the keyboard shortcut use CTRL+T

  • SSMS is a UI built to work with T-SQL. It is not part of T-SQL. Text mode and grid mode are functions of the UI itself, not native parts of T-SQL, so there is no syntax to switch modes within T-SQL.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • the output of your procedure is in a dataset. it is management studio that chooses how to display this.

    the only way for management studio to display it how you want is by choosing the "display as text" or CTRL-T option

    unless you recode your procedure and concatenate all of your results into one long string...... but even then it will come back in a single Cell of a table rather than in text more


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