Restore table from backupset

  • Accidentally truncated one table from my DB. I would hate to loose the work in the other tables, so: Is it possible to restore just one table from a backupset?

    I know I could restore the set to another DB and then Insert Select to the table, but that takes a lot of (unavailable) space.

    Cees Cappelle

  • - Yes ... but not with the propriatary MS tools.

    - you could restore the db using a new dbname (and file-set) and then copy the rows of the desired table to the old db.

    Don't forget to cleanup the restoreddb.

    restore DATABASE RestoreDB

    from DISK='D:\mssql.1\mssql\backup\mydbFULL.Bak'

    with MOVE N'yourdb_Data' TO N'D:\mssql.1\mssql\data\RestoreDB_Data.mdf'

    , MOVE N'yourdb_Log' TO N'D:\mssql.1\mssql\data\RestoreDB_log.ldf'

    , recovery


    use yourdb


    -- Using Identity column ?

    -- SET IDENTITY_INSERT [ database_name . [ schema_name ] . ] table { ON / OFF

    set identity_insert yourdb.yourschema.yourtable on


    insert into yourschema.yourtable

    select * from RestoreDB.yourschema.yourtable


    set identity_insert yourschema.yourtable off


    /* if OK

    drop database RestoredDB



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  • Thank you, I figured that as much 😉

    Cees Cappelle

  • If you have a large usb-disk that could house the temporary restored db db-files, you could start your sqlserver with an extra parameter, perform your restore, copy your table, drop the restored db and restart your sqlserver normaly.


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