Restore from a backup with a wildcard ??

  • I have a backup that comes to me nightly in the format of XXXX_YY_MM_DD.bak

    where the date is incremented each night the previous night backup is deleted when the next days is added so in general

    I have only one in that folder. I wanted to setup a restore to run nightly

    RESTORE DATABASE [XXXData] FROM DISK = 'C:\folder\ExtractedData\app_XXX_backup_15_01_28.bak' --location of .bak file


    I would like to do something like

    RESTORE DATABASE [XXXData] FROM DISK = 'C:\folder\ExtractedData\app_XXX_backup*.bak' --location of .bak file


    While I'm asking.. In case there is an older one left behind(which shouldn't happen) I saw something about "LATESTFULL" but think its a redgate command?

    Thanks in Advance


  • Hi

    I have read a bit and think it cannot use a wild card

    I seems that this addition will work..

    declare @Bakpath varchar(80)

    set @bakpath = 'C:\xxx\ExtractedData\app_xxx_backup_' + cast(year(getdate()) as varchar(12)) + '_'+ RIGHT('0' + RTRIM(month(getdate())), 2) +'_' + RIGHT('0' + RTRIM(Day(getdate())), 2)+'.bak'

    RESTORE DATABASE [xxx] FROM DISK = @bakpath --location of .bak file



    Does anyone see any drawback in using this?



  • The only real drawback is the pattern of the file changing or you not accounting for something with the conversions.

    The other options are writing some type of script that looks at the actual files and picks the latest one, but that's certainly more complex in development and potentially maintenance.

  • If you usually only have one file in your folder, you should be able to get its name quite easily using xp_cmdshell, Powershell, or your favourite other scripting tool. Even on the occasions there are more than one, you can import the names in date order and delete every reference except the most recent.


  • There are many options for obtaining the file name for an automated restore routine. You could connect to the source SQL Server directly to obtain backup metadata from msdb. You could run xp_cmdshell, as mentioned by John previously. xp_cmdshell will allow you to run MSDOS commands to identify your most recent .BAK file. One final alternative would be to have a separate script or job that inserts backup metadata into a table (from SQL directly or use Powershell to read Windows).

  • xp_DirTree 'd:path',1,1 will return file names without a trip through xp_CmdShell if all you're looking for is file names.

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  • I think the easiest way to solve this problem by creating a powershell script to rename database backup to generic name. Which you can use in your restore script.

    Rename-Item C:\ProdBackup\BackupDatabase_*.bak BackupDatabase.bak

    Hope that will help someone.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (1/30/2015)

    The only real drawback is the pattern of the file changing or you not accounting for something with the conversions.

    The other options are writing some type of script that looks at the actual files and picks the latest one, but that's certainly more complex in development and potentially maintenance.

    I've written a script that does just that. Some day I'll get round to genericising it and turning it into a blog post.

    Thomas Rushton

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