
  • Restore a database from a backup file named abc.bak to instance B provided database name is same on both instances. In instance A, database name is different than the backup name.

    It Means i have backup file abc.bak for instance 1 but i dont know name for which database it is. some one told to restore the database using abc.bak in other instance 2 and creater database. which name is there in instance 1.

    If i know database name i will create data base and i will restore abc.bak(but i dont no the name of db and i have to create same db and have to do restore.

    please let me know.

  • Your question is not very clear. If you are curious about what the database name was, reading the header from the backup file is your best bet. Below you can find the URL with the information to perform this.



    FROM DISK = N'C:\AdventureWorks-FullBackup.bak'



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