
  • Does anyone have a script to grap the latest full db backup file from a network share folder and restore it?

  • That script would scare me...are you doing this to restore a database to a second server? If you are, you might think about writing a static backup job that ouputs and overwrites one backup file. Then on your destination machine, write a restore job that always restores that file (scheduled after the backup of course)


    Ray Higdon MCSE, MCDBA, CCNA


    Ray Higdon MCSE, MCDBA, CCNA

  • Scare me too.

    The restore from a network share is the same as another restore, use the UNC path, be sure the SQLAgent has rights to read from the share.

    Steve Jones

    The Best of SQL Server 2002 -

  • To grab the latest backup file? Assuming you know what the backup file filename is. You'd either need to know the filename or have some scheme to get the filename. Hrm. If you're looking for an off the shelf script for this, it'll need to be one that records the filenames as it does backups.

    I guess there are a bunch of reasons why you need to do something like this. Here, it sounds like you have a co-lo'd web server & database that you'd like to update via restoring backups. In which case, you probably aren't looking for an all emcompassing backup solution deal. If you don't find what you're looking for and venture out to write this on your own here's how I would do it.

    Write a script that calls xp_cmdshell and does an "if exists" for a backup file. If it doesn't find a file, return fail. If it finds a file return succeed. Backup Database. Kill all connections to Db being restored. Make Single User. Restore database.


  • Yikes, I'm hoping what you really want is to know what "FILE" you want to restore inside your backup file. For that you would want to use something like

    RESTORE HEADERONLY FROM DISK = '\\your path here'

    then once you know the position you can set your FILE parameter.


    FROM DISK = '\\ your path here'

    WITH FILE = 1 -- position found above.

    Can I ask why you need this? 🙂

    Gary Johnson

    Microsoft Natural Language Group

    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

  • You will probably find all you need to make this script in de backup tables in msdb - check backupset and backupfile tables.

  • I used the following code within a VB app that I have developed to set up an automated LogShipping utility which even the simplest NT admin bloke can set up without having any SQL Server SQL exp.

    The utility is composed of three parts - the setup, the shipper and the applicator. In my applicator executable which is called via SQL Agent job ( defined via the Setup executable ), I have the executable use the following code to find out the latest backup and develop a restore script on the fly.

    The part of the code I think you are interested in is as follows :-

    select physical_device_name

    from msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily

    where media_set_id =

    ( select media_set_id

    from msdb.dbo.backupset

    where backup_set_id =

    ( select max(backup_set_id) from msdb.dbo.backupset where type = 'backtype'

    and database_name = 'dbname'




    backtype - replace with D or L for Database backup or Log backup

    dbname - replace name of database

    obviously modify to suit own needs but I think it will provide what you're generally after.

  • Maintenance plan creates backup with different name every time. Backup name has dbname then "_db_" then datetime portion. Knowing that we can use xp_cmdshell dir command to get all available backups then select max name which is the name of the latest database backup.

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    /* Restore latest database from the network backup. */

    /* --.AlexM. 1/13/2002 MSSQL7 ---------------------------------------------- */

    IF (object_id('tempdb..#t') IS NOT NULL) DROP TABLE #t

    USE master


    DECLARE @fname varchar(255), @sql varchar(512)

    , @cmd varchar(512), @path varchar(512),@db varchar(30)

    --EXEC master..xp_cmdshell'dir \\server\share' -- Test folder access

    SET @path = '\\server\share' --<<--<< Change

    SET @db = 'pubs' --<<--<< Change

    SET @cmd='@echo off & for /f "tokens=2-4 delims= " %a in (''dir '+@path

    +' ^|findstr /i "'+@db+'_db_"'') do (echo %c)'

    PRINT @cmd

    CREATE TABLE #t(fname varchar(255))

    INSERT INTO #t EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

    SELECT @fname = max(fname) FROM #t

    -- Make sure database has no active users

    -- SET @sql='EXEC master..sp_killdbusers '+@db

    -- EXEC (@sql)

    SET @sql= 'restore database ['+@db+'] from disk='''

    +@path+'\'+@fname+''' with replace, STATS = 1'

    PRINT @sql

    -- EXEC (@sql)

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'net send alexm database restored'

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