
  • Hi All,

    I have a situation.. please find the following details..

    Full backup : Everyday at : 0030 hrs

    Differencial backup: Everyday at: 2000 hrs

    Transaction log backup: Every 30 mins

    My database is in suspect mode since 2225 hrs . I have used 'sp_resetstatus' but it didn't work. I checked my drives and found f: drive is not accessable which was having .mdf file of the database. But d:

    drive which is having transaction log of the database is accessable. I mean I can access transaction log file of the database.

    I can recover database till 2200 hrs but how can I recover last 25 minutes data.

    Thes size of the database is around 250 GB

    Urgent reply will be appriciated.



  • dear Ausstin,

    tail log back up is option to solve your problem...

    take the tail Log Back up using the syantax

    use master


    sp_adddumpdevice 'disk',' '

    backup log


    with norecovery

    this statement take the backup of your log till last differential backup to the time went your database become suspect...

    than retore your database using full->diffrential->Tail log backup...

    you got your problem solved.......


    Varun Jha

  • Aye, tail log backups allow you to attempt to backup the existing transaction log so that you can get to a point in time restore. If you're not familiar with the concept, here is the Books Online article about it:

    MSDN: Tail-Log Backups

    Also follow the link to to How to: Restore to a Point in Time (Transact SQL) from that page. You really want to understand how this all works before trying this on the production database. I know time is likely critical, but the couple of minutes you take to digest the information may mean the difference between getting it all back or losing the last 25 minutes.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Thanks a lot to all.


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