Reports Performance

  • Hello all,

      I am wondering if there is a performance difference between:

    1. Having a single bit field and using a case statement in sql to count both sides of it


    2.  Have each choice in its own integer field (with only 1 and 0 allowed) and doing a sum.

      I do expect have quite a few records in this table over time, so performance is an issue.

    Thank you for your time,


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  • Either way I would say the system is gong to perform a table scan.  Kinda stinks but sounds like you're going to take a performance hit either way.

    Could you possibly create a summary table to be populated at the same time the table you are looking at is populated?  This could be done either in the program or through a trigger.  Kind of a pain, but when in doubt cheat.

    Hope it helps,


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