Reports over internet with Standard Edition Reporting Services

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to view my reports over the internet.

    I can browse to and it prompts me to log in (integrated windows authentication) and I can view my list of reports.

    When I click on a report I recieve a basic "The page cannot be displayed" error.

    I even tried just "basic" authentication within IIS but still get the same error.

    The server hosts both components (SQL Server & IIS) on a Windows 2003 SP1.

    No special authentication, not a web farm, do I still need to get Enterprise edition?


    Thanks in advance,

    Greg Allan

  • resolved:

    Check your IE address when you open your report, it must point to

    http://yourserver/reports. It point to your internal RS, that's why you can

    not open report from internet. It shows your list is because IIS is working.

    still no clue?

    check your config file. RSWebApplication.config under ReportManager




    <ReportServerUrl>http://yourserver domain/reportserver</ReportServerUrl>

    and then visit

    http://your server domain/reports

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