Reporting Services Error - Print Button does not work.

  • When my clients click on the print icon. The following occurs.

    "Unable to load print control" Why is this happening?

  • I had the exact same problem, it is caused by an update to ActiveX killbits pushed out thorugh windows update. To undertand the issue and fix it follow the instructions here:

    Basicaly just need to upgrade the print control on the report server. As an FYI, since fixing this problem I noticed I can no longer print or export to PDf any reports than contain charts. If you notice this as well please post so I can confirm it was cuased by the fix to the other problem.


  • At my organization, we installed teh RSClientPrintSetup utility on each PC. He had to deploy this as an MSI because users couldn't install it themselves, due to lack of user privileges.

  • I'm wrestling with this one right now. While it seemed strightforward enough to run the MS SQL 2005 Security Update SP2 on the report server to fix - we have the misfortune to have had an earlier issue related to that SP which caused us to uninstall it a couple months ago, and now when trying to reinstall it fails every time.

    I understand there are some workarounds for making changes to each client but that seems so kludgy when a proper server update eliminates the root cause. Time to call MS about the update install error I suppose.

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